Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Stag-lite Archives-- February 15, 1950
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Published by the Hartsburg-Emden Community High School of Hartsburg, Illinois.
Vol. VII February 15, 1950 No. 9
The sophomore girls are on a diet and everyone wonders why. The reason is they just finished their test meals. Mrs. brown said she even put on weight during the time. The girls were graded on their table manners, waiting on tables, and cooking ability.
Here are two of the menus.
Tomato Juice
Meatloaf Twice Baked Potatoes
Peas Carrot Salad
Muffins and Butter
Maraschino Party Cake Ice Cream
Noodle Soup
Salmon Croquettes Peas in Timbales
Twice Baked Potatoes
Carrot Salad
Pickles Olives
Muffins Butter
Apricot Ice Individual Cakes
Wednesday evening, February 1, Coach and Mrs. Finchum entertained the ten boys who played on the team in the County Tournament at a sumptuous supper. The menu included mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, dressing, salad, corn, and a dessert. When the boys could not eat any more- Coach took them to an entertaining movie in Emden entitled "Red Canyon". The boys enjoyed and appreciated this party very much. The following guests were present: Flip Zimmer, Keith Williams, Bob Gardner, Dick Gardner, Don Wagner, James Hoar, Kenneth Sampen, Dick Stuan, Wayne Lolling, Don Aper, Manager-- Harold Jeckel, and Mr. and Mrs. Ryan.
The boys all said "thanks" Coach and Mrs. Finchum.
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The past three weeks speech students have been seen running around with scripts in their hands. they are now studying dramatics and practicing what they learn by dramatizing scenes from plays. Each scene lasts about fifteen minutes.
On Mondays, the characters are cast and on Friday the scenes are presented to the class. Two scenes are presented and all members of the class participate. Each students gets a a chance to direct a scene. one group of actors practices in the lounge and the other in the English room. Parts are supposed to be memorized and some stage properties are used.
The type of plays from which the scenes are taken have been comedies. Some romance in included and Dickie Gardner is the "Great Lover." All the students seem to be enjoying this unit of study (especially the romantic scenes) except for the grades they are receiving.
The FHA will have a meeting on Friday, February 18. For entertainment there will be a style show to compare the price of homemade made clothes and boughten clothes. those modeling clothes will be:
Boughten Home Made
Suits Carol K. Geneva K.
Jumpers Lois K. Geneva K.
Taffeta Dresses Charlene C. Janet K.
Corduroy Dresses Hazel R. Gretchen B.
Tweed Skirts Marian B. Barbara B.
Weskit and Skirts Carol K. Charlene C.
Cotton Dresses Loretta F. Lois K.
There will also be some blouses on display. They will be displayed by Verna Mae M., Patty Wagner, Miss Berninger, and Arline Bergold.
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Makes It ELEVEN In A Row
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The Stags avenged an early season loss by thoroughly trouncing the Stanford Indians last night on their opponents home floor by a score of 51 to 30. The Stags displayed real championship basketball although they trailed 10-8 at the end of the first period. At half time the score was Hartsburg-Emden 19, Stanford 16. Williams was in fine form on the scoring end with 10 field goals and 4 free throws.
B. Gardner 5 1 11
D. Gardner 3 1 7
Williams 10 4 24
Wagner 1 0 2
Zimmer 3 1 7
22 7 51
Ritscher 4 4 12
Walker 1 0 2
Owen 0 0 0
Britt 1 2 4
Thompson 4 3 11
Hanson 0 0 0
Logsdon 0 1 1
Smith 0 0 0
10 10 30
The Hartsburg-Emden Reserves won the opened 31-28.
Hoar 10 0 20
Sampen 1 1 3
Aper 0 0 0
Payne 0 1 1
Lolling 1 1 3
Rohlfs 1 2 4
13 5 31
Weingier1 FB FT TP
Singley 0 0 0
Stauffer 0 1 1
Clark 1 2 4
Glenm[?] 2 2 6
Bossingham 4 2 10
Weingier1 3 1 7
10 8 28
Yea Stags
[page 3, column 2]
Friday, February 10, the Stags had ann easy victory over Beason The Yellow Jackets played the Stags on nearly even terms during the first half. In the last half it was a different story. The Stags piled up 39 points to 17 for their opponents. The Stags made 11 our of 22 charity shots while Beason snagged 12 out of 15. Fink, Duff, and R. Travis left the game via the personal foul route.
Williams was high-point man with 22. B. Gardner made 17, Wagner 10, Hoar 9, and Zimmer 7. For Beason, Thompson scored 13, R. Travis 10, Duff 6, D. Travis 9, Fink 2, and Thomas 2.
The "Little Stags" won their game by the narrow margin or 3 points, the score being 32-29. Hoar made 14, Sampen 8, Rohlfs 4, Aper 2, Lolling 2, and Payne 2. Hoar left the game after committing 5 personal fouls. Travis, of Beason, made 13 points, Clements 6, Thomas 6, Shull 3, and Wilson 1. Beason made 7 out of 15 of their charity shots while Hartsburg made 4 out of 9.
The Stags won an easy game from Waynesville on February 7 by a score of 72 to 25. The first five played a good game and were replaced by the reserves. B. Gardner led the scoring with 17 points. Zimmer followed with 14, Williams with 13, Wagner with 12, Stuan with 6, Lolling with 4, D. Gardner with 3, Sampen with 2, and Hoar with 1.
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(Continued From Page 3)
The "Little Stags" also won the curtain-raiser by a score of 37-16. Sampen made 12 points, Rohlfs 10, Aper 4, Reiners 3, Lolling 3, Myers 2, Eeten 2, and Hoar 1. Sampen left he game because of personal fouls. Others who played were Zimmer, Oltman, McMath, and Rankin.
A large crowd attended the game in which the Stags whipped New Holland on the home floor on February 3. Everyone was looking for a close game by the Stags soon walked away from the Wildcat five. Bob Gardner led the winners with 18 points. Williams followed with 13, Zimmer with 9, Wagner with 4, and Sampen with 1. All of the boys played a good floor game. Twenty-three fouls were called on the New Holland boys and the Stags made good on only 7 of these. New Holland made good on 9 out of 15.
The "Little Stags" won the curtain raiser by a score of 39 to 21. to add another game to their perfect record. Nice going boys. Sampen was high-point man with 16. He was followed by Hoar with 10, Lolling with 7, Rohlfs with 3, and Reiners with 2. Hoar left the game after making 5 fouls.
The FFA boys and the 4-H boys who had applied for the gilt to be given to one of them were invited to a dinner given by the Kiwanis Club of Hartsburg and Emden on Monday night, February 13.
Approximately 25 boys and Mr. Burgener were their guests. Group singing was enjoyed followed by a talk by County Farm Advisor, Fred Hoppin. His subject was "Father and Son Farm Agreements."
Beat Elkhart
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[heart with initials]
The Stags attended the Bradley vs. University of Hawaii game on February 9 in Peoria. They were accompanied by Mr. Finchum and Mr. Ryan and made the trip in a school bus driven by George Lolling.
Three Stags, namely, Dick Gardner, Don Wagner, and Keith Williams had the privilege of meeting the Bradley team after the game. Mr. Finchum introduced them to Forty Anderson and Coach Anderson in return introduced his Bradley Braves to them, except Melchorie who left early. and missed our on this interesting experience.
The boys sympathized with the announcers who had to pronounce the names of the Hawaiian players. They were highly impressed with the fine skill of the Bradley team. They said, "If you want to see some really good basketball, see Bradley." They wondered why Robertson's Field House wouldn't be an excellent place to play the State Tournament.
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John Bergman
Born- August 24, 1932 at Emden, Illinois
Favorite Actress- Betty Grable
Favorite Actor- Red Skelton
Favorite Book- MR. AND MRS. NORTH
Favorite Movie- "Ma and Pa Kettle"
Favorite Pastime- Arlene
Favorite Hobby- Hunting
Favorite Song- "Said my Pajamas"
Favorite Food- Apple Pie Alamode
Ambition- Farmer
Marian Bruns
Born- May 16, 1933 at Emden, Illinois
Favorite Actress- Liz Taylor
Favorite Actor- George Rogers, Clark Gable, Jr.
Favorite Book- JANE EYRE
Favorite Movie- "The Reckless Moment"
Favorite Pastime- Boys
Favorite Hobby- Anything you can think of
Favorite Song- "Maybe It's Because"
Favorite Food- Onions
Ambition- Commercial Teacher
Gene Conrady
Born- November 24, 1932 at Hartsburg, Illinois
Favorite Actress- Esther Williams
Favorite Actor- Fred MacMurray
Favorite Book- THE BIBLE
Favorite Movie- "Slattery's Hurricane"
Favorite Pastime- Loafing
Favorite Hobby- Mechanics
Favorite Song- "Because"
Favorite Food- Pear Salad
Ambition- Farmer
The monthly Tri-Township 4-H CLub met Wednesday night at Hartsburg.
The meeting was opened by saying the 4-H Pledge. After the roll call the meeting was turned over to program chairman Harold Jeckel.
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Dean Davison
Born- February 13, 1933, at Lincoln, Illinois
Favorite Actress- June Allyson
Favorite Actor- Peter Lawford
Favorite Movie- "The Story of Seabiscuit"
Favorite Pastime- Basketball
Favorite Hobby- Photography
Favorite Song- "Again"
Favorite Food- French Fries
Ambition- Married Man
Loretta Fink
Born- December 30, 1932 at Emden, Illinois
Favorite Actress- Corrinne Calvert
Favorite Actor- Farley Granger
Favorite Book- ?????????????????
Favorite Movie- "Kiss and Tell"
Favorite Pastime- ??????????????
Favorite Hobby- ????????????????
Favorite Song- "Let Me Call You Sweetheart"
Favorite Food- Stuffed Hot Dogs
Ambition- Wife
Robert Gardner
Born- April 28, 1931 at Mason City, Illinois
Favorite Actress- June Allyson
Favorite Actor- Hopalong Cassidy
Favorite Book- THE SNAKE PIT
Favorite Movie- "The Outlaw"
Favorite Pastime- Basketball
Favorite Hobby- Women
Favorite Song- "You're Breaking My Heart"
Favorite Food- Cherry Pie Alamode
Ambition- Servant to Man
[continued from page 5, column 1]
The program was as follows:
Four-H poem, Donald Jeckel
Project talk, Marvin Oltmanns
History of Red Polls, Marietta Wibben
Feeding Project Hogs, Harold Jeckel
Rope demonstration, Dean McMath
A program committee was appointed for the next meeting after which the meeting was closed by saying the Pledge to the Flag.
Basketball was enjoyed in the gymnasium.
[page 6, column 1]
Why did the photographer tell Marian to pull down her skirt before he took the F.H.A. picture?
We hear that Jane S. and Harry H. h ave a new romance.
Did the Junior boys get rabbits on their midnight hunt?
We hear that Keith can sing very well. Maybe we could use him as soloist at the Prom.
Why did Norman have such a time thinking up a poem about women?
Mr. Finchum says that the gossip writers missed the biggest scoop of the week for our last issue--He took the Sociology and Civics classes to Lincoln State School and Colony and all of them came back.
What's this we hear about Hazel Ann's "Perfect Crime." Ever tried it, Hazel?
We hear Patty W. is allergic to trucks.
We wonder where Lorenie gets his imagination, especially his story, with the green-faced, red-eared, white-nosed, purple-eyed, yellow-blooded, 40-foot monster. Horrors!
If anyone wishes to know what kind of a time the Juniors had at the party, ask Mr. Wrage. He says "They ------------!!!"
We hear that Marg B. likes to go to Emden because of Emden boys. Is that so, Marg?
We hear that some of the girls think Norman H. is quite handsome with those new glasses. Especially one senior.
We wonder if John B. still considers himself a student.
Can't you just see Bob G. drinking a malted milk in Home Ec. class made out of flour and water? Is that a new recipe?
SHAME on Coach Finchum for taking the basketball boys to Bradley the night before we played Beason.
SHAME on Miss Berninger for telling the Juniors to write a poem or a story.
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The Clarence Wrage home was the scene of the Junior Class Party last Wednesday evening. If you noticed a lot of sleepy Juniors last Thursday, this was the reason.
There were twenty-six class members present and the chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. Lehnard Grussing and the Clarences Wrages. Linda Wrage was quite a popular girl at the party.
During the evening games were played and later dancing was enjoyed. Near the end of the evening we were enteretained by Keith Williams who told us bed-time stories. Don't get the wrong idea he was telling them to Linda. A delicious lunch was served which consisted of ham salad sandwiches, potato chips, pop, and ice cream. The Juniors wish to take this opportunity to thank the Wrages for the use of their home.
Here I sit in silent bliss,
Waiting for a little kiss;
As we sit in the back porch swing,
I'm sure he feels just like a King.
He sits there with his hands in his pockets,
And tells me about the new sky rockets;
He acts sort of perplexed,
I don't think he knows what to do next.
Finally he gets a little brave,
And I have to make him behave;
He just took off on the run!!
Here comes Dad with the shot gun!!!
--Keith Williams
FAME to the Junior sponsors for not going to the Junior party.
FAME to the girls who stayed awake the next day after the slumber party.
FAME to the Wrages and Grussings for being such nice chaperones.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Lady Toppers couldn’t stop Bluffs
January 25, 2016
By Alyssa Bridge
Thursday night, the Lady Toppers competed in a conference game against Illini Bluffs. Illini Bluffs came out hot, but the Lady Toppers kept it close. At halftime, the Toppers were only down 8 points. During the second half, the refs weren’t letting anything go. Because of that, the Tigers just shot free throw after free throw until they were able to put the game away. Many of the fans weren’t enjoying the refs’ calls and in return, 2 fans were ejected from the game. The Tigers ended up winning 56-40 over the Lady Toppers. The Toppers record is now 12-11. Their next game is home against Tri-City on Thursday night.
Mt. Pulaski,
Textbooks way outdated
By Lexi Strange
January 22, 2016
Today I interviewed science teacher Ms. Helton about what she thought of our textbooks here at Hartsburg-Emden. From the brief interview I got to do with her due to busy schedules she said, " I would love new textbooks. That would be awesome. What makes it worse is that some of my classes, I don't even have a textbook for myself. Also I teach earth and space science; we have no textbooks for this class. Basically I don't have anything to follow by as in chapters, I just do what I thinks best. Having this option would be nice." While I was in the science room, I looked at the copy right dates on the chemistry book which is 2001 and the biology which is 2000. How is it that half the kids enrolled in these classes are younger than their textbooks?
Polar Plunge
By Emma Moats
January 22, 2016
Hartem FFA has decided to participate in the Polar Plunge at Lincoln Lakes on March 19th. There are 17 people from the FFA as well as a few hundred from the website participating. The Plunge will start at 12:00. Each participant must raise 100 dollars to be able to plunge. All of the proceeds made from this event will go to Illinois Special Olympics. Hope to see you there!!
Great Start for the Stags
by Kaylee Beekman
January 22, 2016
The junior high volleyball team played Illini Central on Thursday, the 22nd. The 7th grade team
went into the game with a record of 3-0. The Stags were very confident and expected to continue their
undefeated record. Using all of their confidence and skills, they defeated IC 25-9 and 25-14. Outside
hitter Brianna Grabowski, said, “We have a lot of confidence so far. We’ve played good teams, but we
are still undefeated.” This weekend the 7th grade team will host a round robin tournament at Harem
High. Brianna has high hopes and expectations for her team. “I think we can win the whole thing. There
will be good teams and we’ll see if we can keep our undefeated record but I know we can do it.”
The 8th grade team went into the game with a record of 2-1. The 8th grade also went through the game easily defeating IC 25-11 and 25-9. Newcomer, Emily Craig, is making a huge impact on the 8th grade team. When asked how she thought the game went she said, “We killed it!” Even though their season is going well, Emily knows there are things they need to continue to do as well as things they need to work on.
“Our biggest strength is serving and hitting. But, we really need to work on serve receiving.” The Stags
are off to a great start this year. Come out to cheer them on next Monday at home against Limestone!
January 22, 2016
The junior high volleyball team played Illini Central on Thursday, the 22nd. The 7th grade team
went into the game with a record of 3-0. The Stags were very confident and expected to continue their
undefeated record. Using all of their confidence and skills, they defeated IC 25-9 and 25-14. Outside
hitter Brianna Grabowski, said, “We have a lot of confidence so far. We’ve played good teams, but we
are still undefeated.” This weekend the 7th grade team will host a round robin tournament at Harem
High. Brianna has high hopes and expectations for her team. “I think we can win the whole thing. There
will be good teams and we’ll see if we can keep our undefeated record but I know we can do it.”
The 8th grade team went into the game with a record of 2-1. The 8th grade also went through the game easily defeating IC 25-11 and 25-9. Newcomer, Emily Craig, is making a huge impact on the 8th grade team. When asked how she thought the game went she said, “We killed it!” Even though their season is going well, Emily knows there are things they need to continue to do as well as things they need to work on.
“Our biggest strength is serving and hitting. But, we really need to work on serve receiving.” The Stags
are off to a great start this year. Come out to cheer them on next Monday at home against Limestone!
junior high,
Students with Outside Jobs
by Adre Vetter
January 21, 2016
Emma Moats also has an outside job. She works at Steak n Shake in Lincoln. I also asked her what satisfaction she gets from working and she said, “I get to meet new people and I get away from things when I’m at work.”
Alexis Huffman has a job also. She works at Taco Bell in Lincoln. “I meet a lot of my friends while working, and it made me more independent,” Alexis said.
High School Scholastic Bowl
by Brooklyn Swinford
January 22, 2016
January 22, 2016
The HS Scholastic Bowl had a match last night at home. They went against Midwest Central, Illini Central, and Greenview. The first game was Midwest Central and Hartem the score was 270-90. The second game was IC and Hartem the score for that was 40-140- Hartem won that game. The last game was against Greenview the score was 20-140- Hartem also won that one. The next game will be next week at Midwest Central. Good Luck!
Toss ups
Joe Garcia had 10 toss ups
Austin Hayes had 7 toss ups
Clay Olson had 3 toss ups
scholastic bowl
Every Vote Counts
by Nathan Nowatney
January 22, 2016
There are few things more American than democracy… and so you should get hyped to be a part of it. But… the thing about being a new voter, is that you may be confused where to start.
Well, fret no more! On Monday, January 25, 2016, voter registration is coming to Hartem, for those who will be 18 in November.
So, all you need to register to vote are two forms of identification. These can be anything from a FOID card to a passport to a social security card.
I’ll definitely be voting, and I hope to see you there!
Hartem vs. Greenview
by Kyle Johner
January 21, 2016
Hartem faced Greenview here at home Tuesday night and won 59 to 46. They were happy with a conference win. Coach Garber said after the game that they didn’t play their best basketball, but they still came out with a win. They had much better ball handling that game and did a good job wasting time off of the clock. But other than that, good job, Stags!
January 21, 2016
Hartem faced Greenview here at home Tuesday night and won 59 to 46. They were happy with a conference win. Coach Garber said after the game that they didn’t play their best basketball, but they still came out with a win. They had much better ball handling that game and did a good job wasting time off of the clock. But other than that, good job, Stags!
Tough Loss
by Kaylee Beekman
January 19, 2016
On January 15th, the Hartem basketball team played Lewistown. The Stags struggled throughout
the whole junior varsity match. The boys were not on their game, but they still hustled. It ended in a loss
for the Stags with a score of 52-37. The varsity played the same type of game. They were coming off of
their big win against Havana earlier in the week so they had confidence in themselves. But, once they hit
the court the Stags just couldn’t find their rhythm. Lewistown ended up taking the win with a score of
59-39. It was a hard loss for both teams but they will be back at home on the 19th to play Greenview!
January 19, 2016
On January 15th, the Hartem basketball team played Lewistown. The Stags struggled throughout
the whole junior varsity match. The boys were not on their game, but they still hustled. It ended in a loss
for the Stags with a score of 52-37. The varsity played the same type of game. They were coming off of
their big win against Havana earlier in the week so they had confidence in themselves. But, once they hit
the court the Stags just couldn’t find their rhythm. Lewistown ended up taking the win with a score of
59-39. It was a hard loss for both teams but they will be back at home on the 19th to play Greenview!
Help the Yearbook Out!
by Hunter Langley
January 20, 2015
As 2016 is in full swing, so is the yearbook committee in making an amazing 2015-2016 yearbook. With this being said, they could use your help. If you have taken any pictures at any school events and would want them to be in the yearbook get ahold of Mrs. Folkman at the high school, who is in charge of the yearbook. They are really looking for pictures from Meet the Stags, junior high softball, and junior high baseball. If you can help in any way, it is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your continued support.
junior high,
school spirit,
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Hartem Stags vs. Havana Ducks
by Kyle Johner
January 19, 2016
The Hartem Stags played the Havana Ducks Tuesday night at Havana. Hartem JV lost 46-40 and Hartem Varsity team won 46-41. Coach Garber says as a group that they did not play their best basketball. He says they are giving up way too many offensive rebounds and committing way too many turnovers. But overall he was pleased with the win.
January 19, 2016
The Hartem Stags played the Havana Ducks Tuesday night at Havana. Hartem JV lost 46-40 and Hartem Varsity team won 46-41. Coach Garber says as a group that they did not play their best basketball. He says they are giving up way too many offensive rebounds and committing way too many turnovers. But overall he was pleased with the win.
Teachers with outside Jobs
by Adre Vetter
January 12, 2016
Why it's good to spend time by yourself outside of school.
By Lexi Strange
January 15, 2016
As I attend school 5 days a week for 7 hours a day, some days I need to be by myself to regroup. Some days, I need to get away like everybody else. So that Saturday night when all my friends are going out somewhere I might just stay home, lay in bed, and watch Netflix while eating large amounts of junk food because why not? School can be stressful; everyone knows that. It's the way we go home and forget about that bad day you had, or that bad grade you may have got. It's to go home and just think about what you can do better and that every day is really a new day. Take the chance to slow down. Life will go faster than you think. Just remember it's okay to be by yourself sometimes.
Goodbye, Moonman
by Nathan Nowatney
January 15, 2016
David Bowie was an artist incredibly close to my heart. His music made me feel and think in a way I never thought possible. I nearly cried when I had heard of his passing, and I feel that I am honor- bound to make a tribute to this man who gave me so many good feelings… and made me okay with being who I am.
Rather than attempting to use prose to explain how I feel, I think using verse would suit things much better. Here is a poem tribute to David Bowie- constructed using Bowie lyrics, album titles, and song titles.
The Duke of Stardust
A Starman only appears in the Golden Years
Young Americans, Dancing in the Street
As The World Falls Down
I’m caught up in a Moonage Daydream
For Five Years
All these Changes
There are no longer Heroes
Not after the Man Who Sold the World
We all will rise and fall
With Stardust caught up in our eyes
Where are We Now?
Lost and Incomplete
He’d like to come and meet us
But he thinks he’d blow our minds
He was a Space Oddity
A savior
The only Life on Mars
He told us not to blow it
Because he knows it’s all worthwhile
And he was alright, the band went on together
And it was alright, the song went on forever
He took it all too far
But boy could he play guitar
High School Scholastic Bowl!
By Emma Moats
January 15, 2016
Lady Toppers Come Alive
By Alyssa Bridge
January 15, 2016
Last night, the Lady Toppers played against the Lady Hawks of Riverton. These two teams had already played once earlier in the season during the Clinton Thanksgiving Tournament. In the previous matchup, the Toppers won by about 30 points. During this matchup, the Toppers had a very slow start. By the half, they were only up by 4 points (22-18). However, after halftime, the Lady Toppers came alive. Within the first minute of the 3rd quarter, the Lady Toppers took over the game. The score was 29-18 within that first minute. The Lady Toppers continued to pressure Riverton while finishing with a score of 50-28. Skylar Hayes led the Toppers with 33 points. The Toppers now improve to 11-10 and play at Decatur Christian on Monday, January 18th.
Mt. Pulaski,
Friday, January 15, 2016
Season Opener for Junior High Volleyball
by Hunter Langley
January 14, 2016
Monday, January 11th, the Hartem Junior High volleyball team had their first game of the season, which was a home opener against Decatur Our Lady of Lourdes. The 7th grade team opened up with a win 25-16 the first match and 25-8 the second match. As they were very excited with their win, most of them playing 8th grade, they were on to the next game. But they fell behind 25-20 and 25-17. As they were bummed, this gave them a feel for what they could work on in upcoming games. The Lady Stags had lost to this team last year in their sectional match and they could possibly see them again in their sectional this year, and now they can prepare themselves with what the were lacking compared to Lady of Lourdes for the future. Good luck, ladies!
junior high,
Monday, January 11, 2016
Hartem vs. MP- High School Boys' Basketball
January 11, 2016
by Adre Vetter
Last Friday, the high school Hartem basketball team played against Mount Pulaski at Mount Pulaski. The JV team won their first game against them. They played very well. However, the varsity team did not play their best game that night and lost. The next game is Tuesday the 12th at Havana. Come out and support your Stags!!
Junior High Basketball Celebrates 8th Grade Night
By Kyle Johner
January 8, 2016
January 7 was 8th Grade Night. The team faced Cornerstown and they lost. 7th grade lost 40-14 and 8th grade lost 46-25. Their next game is Saturday, January 16 at Lincoln College.
junior high,
Friday, January 8, 2016
Giving back is what we do!
By: Lexi Strange
January 8, 2016
The Senior Beta received $25 dollars anonymously by selected donors to pay it forward. Each student could use it anyway they chose to, but they had to be giving back. Some of the students used their money to pay for meals at restaurants. While, others used their money to buy children Christmas presents. They also gave back by picking angels from the Angel Tree to give children presents for Christmas this year. Sr. Beta member Alyssa Bridge said, "I'm glad I got the opportunity to be a part of this. It felt good to give back to people."
School Musical
by Emma Moats
January 8, 2016
The high school classes have come together to construct a school musical. They have been talking about what the musical would be since we got back from winter break. On January 7, 2016, anyone that is an 8th grader or older and wanted to participate in the school musical met in Mr. Pluhm’s classroom. They have many options to choose from for the topic of the musical. This year the musical will take place April 29th and 30th.
First High School Scholastic Bowl Match
by Brooklyn Swinford
January 8, 2016
The first HS Scholastic Bowl match is @ Athens on January 14th. The students that are on the team this year are Clay Olson, Alexus Buckles, Joe Garcia, Austin Hayes, Brody Baker, Dylan Duvall, Ivy Merz, and Sierra Smith. Good Luck!!
January 8, 2016
The first HS Scholastic Bowl match is @ Athens on January 14th. The students that are on the team this year are Clay Olson, Alexus Buckles, Joe Garcia, Austin Hayes, Brody Baker, Dylan Duvall, Ivy Merz, and Sierra Smith. Good Luck!!
scholastic bowl
Save Your Memories!
By Nathan Nowatney
January 8, 2016
The 2015-2016 year is flying by! We’re already in the second semester, and only a few people have been smart enough to get their yearbook already. Don’t be a dummy! Get your 2015-16 yearbook before it’s too late! This year’s book is looking to be really something. We’ve got one heck of a theme and an amazing staff to boot! You better not dream of missing this one.
Talk to Mrs. Folkman today to get yours! Don’t delay, get your yearbook today!
Girls’ Basketball Fails to Defeat PORTA
By Alyssa Bridge
January 8, 2016
The Lady Toppers and the Lady Bluejays had already played once this season. This game didn’t go quite like the first one and definitely not in the Lady Toppers’ favor. When the game began, both teams started off slow. The score was only 13-7 after one quarter with the Lady Bluejays in the lead. After that quarter, the Lady Bluejays finally started hitting their shots while the Lady Toppers still struggled offensively. That was the story for the rest of the game. The Lady Bluejays continued to drill 3-pointers while Mt. Pulaski could not get anything going. The game ended with a score of 55-28. The Lady Toppers are now 10-9 going into next week. They play Monday against Decatur St. Teresa.
Mt. Pulaski,
High Hopes for Hartem Stags
by Kaylee Beekman
January 6, 2016 The junior high volleyball team is getting ready to kick off their season! The first game will be Thursday, January 6, in Hartsburg against Lady of our Lourdes. For years, the volleyball team has always faced the Delavan Panthers in the first season game so this year they are starting it off different with a new opponent added to the schedule.7th grader, Hattie Langley, is a little nervous for the first game, “I’m nervous because I wish this game was in the middle of the season so we’d be ready and more prepared to play Lady of our Lourdes, but it’s good to play them because we could see them in our post season.” Even with the nerves, Langley has high hopes for the Stags. When asked what her #1 goal for this season was she replied confidently, “I want to win 7A and 8A State.” From an 8th graders point of view the nerves have been subsided and the pressure of the season has taken a toll. 8th grade setter, Lily Escobedo said, “There is a lot of pressure on all of us because we won state last year. We don’t want to disappoint and we all want to win a state championship.” As the game approaches, Lily expects a few things from herself and her teammates, “I hope that we come ready to win, prepared, and to play our hardest.” Good luck this season to the 2016 Jr. High Lady Stags!
January 6, 2016 The junior high volleyball team is getting ready to kick off their season! The first game will be Thursday, January 6, in Hartsburg against Lady of our Lourdes. For years, the volleyball team has always faced the Delavan Panthers in the first season game so this year they are starting it off different with a new opponent added to the schedule.7th grader, Hattie Langley, is a little nervous for the first game, “I’m nervous because I wish this game was in the middle of the season so we’d be ready and more prepared to play Lady of our Lourdes, but it’s good to play them because we could see them in our post season.” Even with the nerves, Langley has high hopes for the Stags. When asked what her #1 goal for this season was she replied confidently, “I want to win 7A and 8A State.” From an 8th graders point of view the nerves have been subsided and the pressure of the season has taken a toll. 8th grade setter, Lily Escobedo said, “There is a lot of pressure on all of us because we won state last year. We don’t want to disappoint and we all want to win a state championship.” As the game approaches, Lily expects a few things from herself and her teammates, “I hope that we come ready to win, prepared, and to play our hardest.” Good luck this season to the 2016 Jr. High Lady Stags!
junior high,
Hartem Awards Night
by Adre Vetter
November 18, 2015
Hartem had awards night Tuesday the 16th. The sports that were being recognized were jr. high softball and baseball, high school golf, and high school volleyball. The awards were as follows:
Jr. High Softball
Leading Hitter: Hattie Langley
Defensive Award: Grace Beekman
Most Improved: Zoi Dunse
Most Versatile: Lily Barry
Jr. High Baseball
Leading Hitter: Nate McAfee
Defensive Award: MacArthur Briggs
Most Improved: Addam Hoerbert
Most Versatile: Spencer Davis
Mr. Peanut Gallery: Prescott Davis
High School Golf
Alex Eads
JV Volleyball
Best serving: Maddie Shawgo
Kills Leader: Anna Hayes
Block Leader: Shyanne Conrady
Defensive Award: Lexi Barry
Assists Leader: (tie) Kassy Eskew and Lexi Barry
Varsity Volleyball
Best Serving: Emme Olson
Kills Leader: Kaylee Beekman
Blocks Leader: Adre Vetter
Defensive Award: Lexi Strange, Emme Olson
Assists Leader: Adre Vetter
Rudy Lolling Sportsmanship: Erin Lessen
junior high,
The Government Thinks Your Kids are Fat
By Nathan Nowatney
October 20, 2015
The government thinks your kids are fat… but do they? The state of Illinois requires every child to take four years of PE in High-School- no exceptions besides doctors’ notes.
This mandate came in the pseudo-recent health craze law changes to attempt to make the youth of America healthier. But is it even helping?
From my experiences with P.E., you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. If a child doesn’t want to participate, they will make sure to not lift a finger during that hour, protesting the entirety of P.E. as a concept.
So… why bother? Generally, other states require only two years of P.E. instead of IL’s whopping four. Why lay a massive load on students when P.E. isn’t their thing? Shouldn’t they be able to have room for other classes or study halls? Well, maybe…
Obesity rates have started to incredibly gradually go down. Now, it’s a stretch, but P.E. might actually be working. Maybe it isn’t such a bad idea after all.
Help FFA Help to Save Lives
by Hunter Langley
January 7, 2016
Currently the Hartsburg-Emden FFA program is collecting plastic caps: water bottle caps, Gatorade caps, milk jug caps, any and all plastic caps. For every 1000 caps collected a patient will research a free cancer treatment. There are three boxes in the school to collect them, by the front door of the school, by the boys restroom, and in the cafeteria. Bring them in during school or at an after school event. Thank you for your support.
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