Friday, November 18, 2016

Excitement at the Agronomy Contest

by Ivy Merz
Nov. 18, 2016
On Wednesday, November 2nd, nine of our 108 kids from the FFA traveled to Williamsville to compete in a CDE Agronomy contest. There, Ashley Zinser, Jarrett Rohlfs, Kassy Eskew, Shyanne Conrady, Xavier Detmers, Hunter Buck, Abbie Hoerbert, Ivy Merz, and Sami Perschall, competed in a contest where they would judge hay, corn, soybeans, and oats.
The students as a team scored 664 points. The highest scorer on our Hartsburg-Emden team was Ivy Merz, with a total number of 227 points out of 500. Hunter Buck came in second place on our team with a total number of 220 points, then in third place came Kassy Eskew, with a total number of 217 points.
As some of the students were completing the first part of the contest, the wind outside started blowing a little faster and the dark gray clouds covered the sky and it began lightly raining. A few minutes later, one of the other agriculture teachers started screaming at the students to get out of the cafeteria. The students, confused, did nothing as the screaming teacher was running around very scared. The confused students and other agriculture teachers then moved into the hallway outside of the cafeteria. A lot of students were checking the weather on their phones and complaining about how the screaming teacher was “overreacting about a little storm.” The students were then moved again into the gymnasium with the soccer players who had to come inside to receive shelter from the rain and the girls basketball team.
The contest was resumed and students did their best to score highly for their school.
When the contests were finished and awards were given out, our school placed 6th, out of ten schools. Ashley Zinser got an award for being in the top 10 students to get the highest grades on their CDE test. Only a few students left with awards.

Students Volunteer at Hopedale

by Zach Phillips
Nov. 18, 2016

This year, several Senior Beta members went to Hopedale on October 29 to help support the Hopedale Wellness Center’s ‘Spooky Sprint.’ This is a 5k/ Fun Run. Our Beta members helped direct the runners on their path and gave encouragement to all 18 runners that came and enjoyed the beautiful day. All the runners came out to support The Wellness Center, which is a fantastic cause.

Meet the Stags

by Zach Phillips
Nov. 18, 2016

Our annual ‘Meet the Stags’ was Saturday the 12th of November. This is our way of broadcasting and recognizing our high school team and proving to the fans that this will be an exciting year for them to come and support our games. All through, our pep band was playing fantastically, and all the fans seemed to be enjoying the music.  Both our Junior High and High School teams were recognized, and then our high school team had a short scrimmage. The cheerleaders were also recognized, and all performed well. Both teams played very well, and the coaches had lots to tell us. After that, we had our alumni play a scrimmage. I think Meet the Stags this year was a success and hopefully our fans will come and enjoy watching the team!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

High School Scholastic Bowl Begins Season

by Alexus Buckles
Nov. 9, 2016

The high school scholastic bowl team has begun their practices and their first match is on January 12, 2017. Their practices are every Wednesday after school unless there is a early dismissal. So far there have been 13 students who said they would join the team which is much more than last year. Last year we ended the year with 7 students on the team.
I asked a couple of people why they joined scholastic bowl and this was their responses.
Kaitlyn Perschall said that she join scholastic bowl because it´s something to do and she hasn't done anything extracurricular in her whole high school career. Sierra Smith, a repeat team member from last year, said she joined scholastic bowl because she likes food and she also likes trivia. She added on to say that she thinks Mrs. Folkman is awesome. The students that join scholastic bowl seem to have a lot of fun even when itś time to be serious. During the matches the questions can be hard but there are also some pretty obvious ones too.
Scholastic bowl is fun to join. You don't have to be smart to join the team. Join the team to have fun and learn during the process of it all. It´s not too late to join the team. Ask Mrs. Folkman if you have questions about joining or anything else about scholastic bowl.

Orchestra Trip

by Madison Farris
Nov. 9, 2016
November 10th, the 6th and 7th grade students will be travelling to Springfield to the Illinois Symphony Orchestra, to watch a production called “The Listener.” When asked about the trip, Mr Pluhm - the choir director exclaimed, “ I am very excited for our students to get the experience to see a live professional performance and hear these amazing musicians. It is one thing to watch a video and hear music through a speaker, but totally another to be breathing the same air as the musicians and feeling the vibrations of their instruments on your skin. I encourage all of my students to go see live music performances regardless of genre, but am secretly hoping that this trip gives my students an appreciation for classical music.”

Yearbook Cover Competition

by Alex Vetter
Nov. 10, 2017

This year for the yearbook we are having a cover design contest anyone from 6 to 12 grade can make a cover. The deadline is before Thanksgiving break. The journalism class will vote on the winner. Let's see who is the most artistic kid. Our yearbook theme is Stagopoly. The winner will get a free yearbook among some other small things.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Staglite Archives- April 20, 1950

Announcing Hillbilly Courtship Presented by Senior Class of 1950 at Hartsburg-Emden High April 27 and 28

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Published by the Hartsburg-Emden Community HIgh School of Hartsburg, Illinois.

Vol. VII     April 20, 1950      No. 13


The Widow Peppin and deaf old Pappy Stilsby have sworn to shoot each other on sign as their mountain feud rages verbally. To make matters worse, Pappy's son, Luke, and Ma Peppin's daughter, Emmy, are in love with each other. The two old feaudists have been planning second matrimonial ventures, and each has secretly engaged Wash Jeddo, he half-witted village scribe, to write a matrimonial bureau for each mate. Wash has enclosed Emmy's picture in Ma's letter and Luke's in Pappy's, signing their respective names instead of Ma's and Pappy's. Meanwhile, the mountain is agog over the homecoming of the Triffet Girls, radio's newest hillbilly sensation, who bring their manager, Sol Silverstein, with them in their quest of more hillbilly entertainers. When Sol attempts to sign Ma on the dotted line, she mistakes him for an answer to her letter and jumps at the chance. Complications set in as one of the Triffet sisters tries to vamp Luke and a pair of wildcats in the shape of a wild Irish rose and a temperamental Italian lad arrive from the matrimonial bureau. Hog Mountain is transformed into the an active volcano of riotous courtship. With Pappy and Luke secretly tied to the settee, Ma sends for the preacher-man. How it all ends is a triumph of hillbilly dexterity.



The FFA held a meeting Thursday, April 14. The meeting was brought to order by the President, Harold Jeckel. After going through the FFA ceremony the business meeting was opened. The honorary members for the banquet were chosen. They

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are William Cross and Urban Johnson. The committees for the banquet were selected. The meeting was closed by saying the Pledge to the Flag.


Some projects that have been completed the past year in the farm shop are: A boat by Kenneth Sampen, Bill Cross painted a corn planter and a corn dump. Gene Conrady painted a rack; John Bergman painted a tractor. Nip also painted a tractor. Norman Hellman painted a disc and also made a hog shed. Kenneth Sampen is working on a hog shed.


Norman Hellman won the jacket that was awarded to the boy selling the most garden seeds. Loren Westen won second.



Wednesday, April 5, the monthly meeting of the TRi-Township 4-H was held at Hartsburg. Byron Behrends called the meeting to order by using the 4-H pledge. A ceremony was performed in which six visitors were made members of the club.

Byron turned the meeting over to program chairman, John Bergman, and talks were as follows:

Lee West-- Preparation and Care of a Lawn.

Myra Sue Hamer-- Poem on 4-H.

Gene Cross-- Caring for Orphan Calves.

Doris Wibben-- Project talk.

John Bergman-- Prevention and Control of Bloat.

Mr. Bergener showed a 4-H movie and told the club about the 4-H building that is to be erected. There were 34 members and one visitor present. The meeting was closed with saying the Pledge to the Flag after which games of basketball and shuffleboard were played.



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Coach Fred Finchum of the Hartsburg-Emdne Stags, recently received his certificate of membership in the Century Club of the nation's coaches.

The honorary organization is open to all college and school coaches whose athletic teams have won 100 or more contests in any sport.

Finchum has seen teams under his coaching triumph 185 times. The Hartsburg-Emden mentor has, in addition to the certificate, a letter in his possession offering the congratulations of Arch Ward, sports editor of the Chicago Tribune, and Dana E. Morrison, president of the Bike Web Company of Chicago, co-sponsors of the honorary organization. 

The purpose of the club is to bring about recognition of coaches country-wide who have earned through their records outstanding achievements. 


Our basketball team has really been swell,
Wehhope [sic] in baseball we'll do as well;
With Flip as pitcher, helped by Don and James too,
We think they will pull us through.
With Kenneth to catch all the balls as they come
To prevent other teams from getting a run.

James Robert is first baseman,
He's really good, too,
With Don as short stop,
We think that they'll do.

With Jackie on second and Brosamer third,
Billy right, Bergman left, it's the best news we've heard.
The reserves are left to help us along,
With this swell team we can't go wrong.

-- by Marguerite Bruns

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Sixteen boys reported for baseball practice last week. The squad is predominately sophomores. Three of them may see action on the mound. They are Don Aper, Don Zimmer, and Jim Hoar. Lollings, Rohlfs, Sampen, Rankin, and Eeten are the others of the sophomore class who are on the squad.

The squad includes the following boys:

Don Aper, Jim Hoar, Jim Rohlfs, Ken Sampen, Jim Eeten, Don Zimmer, Wayne Lolling, Wayne Zimmer, Jack Detjen, Bill Cross, Bob Gardner, Don Wagner, Bob Brosamer, John Bergman, Don Johnson, and Ted Rankin.


H-E Stags opened their baseball season Friday, April 14, against the New Holland Wildcats. The Wildcats had a seven-run inning in the fourth. H-E had its inning, too. In the seventh the Stags counted 4 times. The final score was New Holland 11 and H-E 7. H-E scored in the second, third, sixth, and seventh innings.


April 14- New Holland--- There
          18- Middletown--- There
          21- - Beason----- Here
May 2--- Middletown---- Here
        11--- New Holland--- Here
        19---- Lathan----- Here


Tuesday, April 18, Middletown defeated the H-E Stags 9 to 1. Aper pitched for H-E. He allowed 8 hits, struck out 2, and gave no walks. H-E made 5 errors. Hawk ppitched [sic] for Middltown. He allowed 4 hits struck out 13 and gave no walks.


At the 4-H Rally in Lincoln on April 18, Finchum was appointed Youth Aide for Logan County 4-H projects.

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Rhoda Elsberry

It was still! Deathly still! A silence that screamed in his ears. It hung around him like a heavy cloak in the dreadful darkness that kept closing in. Closer and closer. It was the silence that follows a scream! The horrible terrified scream of someone about to die! The last scream that would ever rise from those beautiful lips again. She was dead. There was no doubt about it. But she was STILL screaming! What silly thoughts come into the mind when it suddenly releases emotions that have long been locked up.

How foolish! She was down there at the bottom of the well. Down there! Dead! She would never scream again. Never laugh at him ever again. She was dead.

But that scream. It kept on and on. Screaming! Screaming! Screaming! Would it never stop?

There, it had quit. How utterly foolish. How could he have been so dumb? It had all been in his mind. Of course, that was it. Why, she couldn't be screaming. She was at the bottom of a fifty-foot well!! And dead! Quite dead!

It had been so easy. How wrong of him to be frightened. It was so simple! She had just made her wish and turned to kiss him as always, and he had just pushed her. Just a simple little push. And she had fallen all the way down to the foot of the well, and she was dead! At last he was free of her ridicule! Free! Free! At last! Joyously, wondrously free. And no one would ever know. She had just disappeared. That was it. She'd just disappeared. No one would ever know. No one. And he was free!

And then he saw it! But no! It couldn't be! No! No! A hand, ghostly white in the darkness, clinging to the edge of the well. No! It wasn't! He was dreaming! No!

One ghostly white finger, slim and beautiful, the tip as bright as

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though dipped in blood, moved, over so slightly, up, pointing at him. A finger, pointing and accusing!! But no! It couldn't be. She was at the bottom of the well, but this time soaked with water and very, very dead! So very dead!! But that finger!! That hand!!

No it was just his mind. there was no finger, no hand. How dumb! To imagine a hand, an accusing finger, there at the edge of the well. But no!

Once more it moved. And that scream, ringing in his ears. Those fingers, moving up, pointing at him. She wasn't dead! She was right there, clinging to the edge of the well. She wasn't dead! She was there, screaming and accusing him. He hadn't killed her! He wasn't free!

With a fierce savage scream of anguish he lunged. Lunged at the hand and accusing finger, and pushed them down father and father in the well! Down where they could never come up again. Never again accuse him. And then he scream the horrible terrified scream of someone about to die! For he was falling! down! down! Going deeper. Faster and faster!! With his last scream echoing back and forth!

And then silence. Deep! deathly silence int he cold darkness that closed in and forever smothered those two horrible screams, each a scream of someone about to die, in the Wishing Well!


1. Keep away from trackmen! they are usually fast.
2. Never made dates with Biology students; they like to cut up to [sic] much.
3. The football man is all right; he will tackle anything.
4. Look out for baseball men; they hit and run.
5. The tennis man is homeless; but enjoys a racket.
6. Always let the member of the band play his own horn; he enjoys it.

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The Typing I classes are very proud of their records to date. Twenty-seven of the 28 students have passed their 35 words per minute requirement to pass the course. Here are the rates of those who qualify:
Winifred Thompson.... 70
Shirley Van Hilsen... 63
Rhoda Elsberry... 60
Mary Wrage... 58
Betty Gail Shirley... 58
Marianna Grussing... 58
Jackie Detjen... 57
Marilyn Klokkenga... 53
Janet Kassebier... 52
Lula Belle Conrady... 52
Mary Ann Klokkenga... 49
Peggy Brossamer... 49
Marjorie Lessen... 49
Mary Detmers.... 47
Hazel Ann Rademaker... 45
Mary Jean Reiners... 45
Loren Westen... 45
Eldon Oltmanns.... 44
Ruth Harms... 43
Dickie Harms... 42
Bill Cross... 41
Wayne Zimmer... 41
Ruth Liesman.. 39
Norman Hellman... 39
Doris Lessen... 38
Keith Williams.. 38
Darrell Klockenga... 35

In Typing II the entire class has passed their 45 words per minute requirement to pass the course. Here are the rates of the best records made during the past six weeks:

Kay Behrends... 69
Marian Bruns... 63
Alberta Bergman... 61
Verna Mae Menssen... 60
Betty Manus... 59
Loretta Fink... 58



There were twenty girls from Hartsburg-Emden High School who attended the FHA Rally in Moroa Saturday, April 15. The morning program included group singing, a stunt (Continued in next column)

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In order to have high honors a student must have 4 A's. TO have honors a student must have 3 A's and 1 B or 2 A's and 2 B's or 3 A's and 1 C.

Joan Aper
Arlene Bergold
Carol Klokkenga

High Honors
Winifred Thompson (5 A's)

Barbara Behrends
Charline Cross
James Rohlfs
James Hoar
Kenneth Sampen

High Honors
Mariana Grussing
Mary Ann Klokkenga
Shirley Van Hilsen
Mary Wrage

Roberta Brosamer
Janet Kaesebier
Hazel Ann Rademaker
Betty Gail Shirley

High Honors

Marian Bruns
Donald Johnson
Betty Manus

Kay Behrends

by New Holland FHA girls, talk on "How FHA Helped Me," and a discussion on "Dates with Boys and Girls." At the noon hour we were free to eat our lunch and look at the projects.

The afternoon program included musical numbers and four girls from Normal University who are majoring in Home Economics gave talks on ISNU. After this the style show was given and those from here who took part were Virginia Lessen, Gretchen Behrends, and Janet Klopp. Lu Ann Reiners took a project for display.

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The Cole Marionettes appeared Monday, April 17, for an assembly program. The grade school and high school pupils enjoyed the play "Thumbelina".

The W. C. T. U. presented the movie "The Brain Is What Counts" to the upper grades of both the Emden and Hartsburg grade schools and H-E high school. This movie showed the affects of alcohol upon the brain and body.

Monday night, April 24, the Kiwanis Club, of Hartsburg and Emden, will entertain athletes and cheerleaders at the Annual Athletic Banquet.

April 24 six seniors are going to ISNU for Senior Day. They will be accompanied by one of their sponsors.

April 6 the students received their small pox vaccinations.

Saturday, April 22, Mr. and Mrs. Kirchner entertained the Faculty.


What's the Matter with the Junior girls that they are all going stag to the Prom?

Why did Betty Gail and Mary Ann K. hate to be seen in their blue jeans last Wednesday?

Why does Marjorie L. run to the bus every night so she won't have to sit with James M. Good excuse, Marjorie.

Is this a new romance between Dean McMath and Lois K.????????? Must be another Senior- Sophomore romance.


Passer-by: What's the fus [sic] in the school yard?
Boy: The doctor's been around examining us and one of the deficient kids is knocking the stuffin' out of the perfect kid.

[page 6, column 2]


1. The seniors studying.
2. Lois Klokkenga's hair mussed.
3. Loren Westen on the honor roll.
4. Kenneth Sampen driving his Hudson slowly.
5. Winifred Thompson getting anything but A's.
6. The students running the school.
7. Lu Ann Reiners talking to a boy.
8. Real men around school.
9. Harold J. acting decent in chow-line.
10. Betty Manus arguing with somebody.
11. Don K. in a hurry.


1. The onery sophomores?
2. Someone to copy from?
3. Bill and Loren's harmonica?
4. Someone to gossip about?
5. The freshman girls' friendly "Hello"?
6. The Angelic seniors?
7. Mr. Finchum advice to the seniors.

Can't study in the the Fall--
        Gotta play football.
Can't study in the Winter--
        Gotta play basketball.
Can't study in the Spring--
        Gotta play baseball.
Can't study in the Summer--
        Gotta girl.


In the typing news we made an error printing Dick Harms instead of Dickie Gardner.


The boys were working on the baseball diamond. Charles Lowman was pushing a wheel barrow upside down.
Harry Bill: Why are you pushing that wheel barrow upside down, Charles?
Charles: Yesterday I pushed it with the right side up and they kept filling it with dirt.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sr. Beta Club Blood Drive

by Maddie Shawgo
Nov. 9, 2016

Every year at Hartsburg-Emden the Sr. Beta Club and the Red Cross put on a blood drive in the High School Gym. Not only does giving blood help others who need it, but by giving blood at this particular blood drive you are helping one or more graduating seniors win a scholarship. This year the blood drive is on Tuesday, November 15th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The address of the High School is 400 West Front St. Hartsburg, IL.
You can drop in to give blood, but it is better to schedule an appointment. Appointments have priority over drop-ins. As of November 9th the earliest appointment is at 11:00 AM. If you are planning to drop in please come at 11:00 AM or after. Sr. Beta Club sponsor John Robinson will be at the event all day along with Sr. Beta Club members. If you have questions or want to sign up you can call the school at 217-642-5244 or email John Robinson at Students wishing to sign up can contact a Sr. Beta Club member.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Junior High Basketball

by Madison Farris
Nov. 3, 2016

The Hartem Junior High Basketball team kicked off their season at the Midwest Central tournament in Green Valley. The 7th and 8th teams played against Lincoln Junior High on Saturday, October 29th. The teams both lost 7th grade (8-49), and 8th grade (15-63)

The teams put in an enormous amount of effort. The teams played their second game of their season on Monday, October 31st against Midwest Central in the Midwest Central tournament. The teams both played very hard and tried their best. The 7th grade team lost (2-40) and the 8th grade team lost (36-40).

The 8th grade team consists of : Connor Zinser (8th), Brayden Rohlfs (8th), Alyvia Gannon (8th), Ben Miller (8th), Zachariah Griffieth (8th), Tyson Andrade (8th), Garrett Hopkins (7th), Blake Martin (7th), Zach Hamilton (7th), Alex Donaldson (7th), and Drew McAfee (7th).

The 7th grade team consists of : Garrett Hopkins (7th), Blake Martin (7th), Zach Hamilton (7th), Alex Donaldson (7th), Drew McAfee (7th), Mason Farris (6th), Wyatt Leinenbach (6th), Caine Fletcher (6th), Prescott Davis (6th), William Wisniewski (6th) and Bryson Anderson (6th).

Thursday, November 3, 2016

School Lunch Guidelines

by Maddie Shawgo
Nov. 2, 2016

Over the past couple of years, school systems have really cracked down on school lunches. Not only have things been reduced, but some things have been cut out completely. Some schools have even gone as far as not allowing students to bring their own lunch to ensure that they are getting a healthy, well-balanced meal. The reason for doing this is to stop childhood obesity and promote being healthy.
     The final rule requires most schools to increase the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole grains  and fat-free and low-fat milks.  It also requires that schools reduce the levels of sodium and saturated and trans fats. Here at Hartem we are subject to these rules, even going as far as not being allowed salt at the lunch table. But what’s really interesting is that in the official government document it states that MOST schools are subject to these rules. So why isn't everyone?
     For example, Lincoln Community High School, which is only 10 miles away from us, doesn't seem to be subjected to these school lunch rules at all. At Hartem we are offered one main dish or a salad, fruits and vegetables for sides and only milk to drink. At Lincoln they are offered multiple main dishes, sides that include fries, chips and desserts, and they have multiple drinks to choose from such as Gatorade, juices, soda and sometimes even milkshakes.
     From research it seems as though Lincoln Community High School may not be following all the rules; they could and may even be finding ways around them. It seems that larger schools including Springfield, Bloomington and Peoria have more leeway with their lunch options. Is it because they’re such a large schools and aren’t as closely looked at as small schools? Hartem offers the lunches we do to promote healthy eating. We follow the guidelines to have a successful school and a successful lunch program.

Western Open Ag House

Chris Huffman
November 2, 2016

On October 28th the juniors and seniors of the Hartem FFA had the chance to go to Western Illinois university for an Open Ag House. It is like a group college visit of all of the Ag programs at their University. I think it made a pretty good impact on the kids that went that high school is almost over and they have to pick a path after here. Western is a huge ag school and is a great place to go if you are interested in doing an agriculture-related career later in life.

Senior Picture Trip

by Alexus Buckles
Nov. 1, 2016

The seniors took a trip to Kickapoo Park in Lincoln to take their senior class pictures. We all loaded into the minibus and started off going to eat lunch at El Mazatlan. We were there for about an hour and then went to the park. We started taking pictures on the big bridge, posing in all different kinds of ways. Some pictures being serious where others were funny. We walked along a muddy trail at the park to try and find some better places to take pictures. We ended up stopping along the trail when we found a bunch of tree/ tree branches that would took awesome for a background.
Once we took some pictures along that trail we headed back towards the bridge. We all had different groups in alphabetical order from our class that we had to take our trio pictures with. We all walked together and tried to find different places for each of our groups to take their pictures. We also took some more class pictures and separate girl and boy pictures. We took some picture of just the girls on the swings and then just the boys huddled up by the swings. Once we were done there we took some “walking away” picture then head down towards the American Flag pole and took some pictures there.
After that we had a trio group take picture on the Boy Scott bridge and then another group take some pictures down by the water, Once we finished all of our pictures we messed around for a bit then went to By the Bean where Mrs. Folkman offered to buy us all drinks for our good behavior. We came back to school after that. The day was pretty fun and I’m pretty sure we all enjoyed ourselves.

Halloween Parade


By: Brady Wolpert
October 31, 2016

Every school year, the Jr. High band heads over to the grade school to lead the Halloween parade.  The Jr. High band consisted of twenty-two students: one fifth grader, twelve sixth graders, and nine seventh graders.  Band director/teacher, Mr. Pluhm, was all smiles as his band did an amazing job.  The band played the Ghostbusters theme song.  What a great choice considering it was Halloween!  The band was followed by the elementary school classes.  The grade schoolers were all dressed up in all sorts of different costumes, even the teachers participated.  It was a fun and spooky afternoon for all the kids!