Thursday, December 17, 2015

New beginnings for Coach Rademaker!

By: Lexi Strange
December 17, 2015

Coach Rademaker is the new 2015-2016 junior high basketball coach and has helped with high school basketball in previous years. He's lived in Emden all his life. Yesterday, he and his fiancé Bethany rushed to the hospital to have their baby girl, Lillian. She was born at 3:46p.m and was 6lbs and 9oz. We wish Gary the best of luck with his new blessing to the family.

The Coordinated Approach To Child Health

By Lexi Strange
December 9, 2015

There are 8 components that work interactively to educate young people about a healthier lifestyle. The eight components are health education, physical education, health services, nutrition services, counseling and psychological services, healthy school environment, health promotion for staff, and family/community involvement. The CATCH program affects all 8 components. For about 20 years, the CATCH program has not only helped children in school learn about eating healthier diets and getting more physical activity, it's also encouraged many schools and parents to promote healthier environments for the children. Reaching almost 3.5 million students in nearly 7,000 schools nationwide. CATCH was the largest school based health promotion research study in the U.S. This program has done nothing more than promote a better way of life for young children, while showing parents, staff, and the school the ways to do so. The Hartsburg-Emden school is taking this into affect on January 13th, 2016. We will lead our students to a healthier life!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Senior plans for after high school- Part 2

by: Adre Vetter
December 14, 2014

Are you wondering what the other seniors plan to do after high school? Here are the rest of the seniors that I didn’t do last week.

Kaylee Beekman- Plans on going to LincolnLand to continue her volleyball career and to get her associate degree in art.

Wyatt Conardy- Plans to go to college, get his gen eds out of the way, then get a job.

Doug Phillips- Plans to not die.

Erin Lessen- Plans to go to Heartland and applying for radiography.

Clay Olson- Plans to attend Iowa State to become an accountant.

Adre Vetter- Plans to attend Carl Sandburg for 2 years, further her career in sports, then transfer somewhere to Wisconsin.

Alexis Huffman- Plans to get her associate degree at heartland and then go to Parkland for vet tech.

Danielle Evans- Plans to go get a associate degree then transfer to a 4 year school.

Kolton Jonher- Plans to go to college.

Ethan Moore- Plans to go to MTI.

Hannah Lingle- Plans to go to college.

December Rain

by Nathan Nowatney
December 14, 2015

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… But I’m not going to get it. Recent weather projections say that there’s just going to be lots of rain this winter. And like previously said, that means lots of ice.

All jokes aside, I’m actually pretty glad the snow’s projected to be on the minimum this year. I prefer rain much more. It’s relaxing and doesn’t stick around once it’s finished.

What are your thoughts on rain in December? Do you want more Decembers like this or less?

Have a wonderful rain-filled December!

Grandparents invited to grade school

Grandparents' Day was November 25th @ 8:45am at the grade school. That day we also got out of school early at 11:30am because of Thanksgiving Break. The kids sang songs at this annual event. Grade school teachers were not available for comment.

Finals are Finally Here

by Kaylee Beekman

December 16, 2015

It is almost time for finals! Finals will take place on Thursday, December 17th and Friday,

December 18th. We will have a 2:00 dismissal for both days. Thursday will be the odd classes

and Friday will be the evens. The times for these are will be 1st/2nd hour: 8:17-9:36, 3rd/4th hour:

9:39-10:54, 5th/6th: 10:57-12:12, HS Lunch: 12:12-12:42, and 7th/8th: 12:45-2:00. Finals in all classes

will be about 14.3% of each students' overall semester grade. Students grades 9-12 are able to

be exempt from their finals. They must not have any discipline issues, miss only 3 days of school or

fewer, and have an A in the class. Students are also required to get a sheet from the office for

permission to leave early or arrive late for finals. Good luck to all of the students on their finals

and happy holidays!

High School Cheerleading Christmas Dance

by Hunter Langley
December 16, 2015

   Saturday December 19, the high school basketball team will be playing against Delevan at home. Halftime of varsity the biddy ball team will be playing for three minutes and with the extra time they don't use, the high school cheerleading squad will be participating in a Christmas dance. They are very excited! Make sure to come out and support the basketball players and the cheerleaders!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


by Brooklyn Swinford
December 15, 2015

Just a reminder that yearbooks are $25 until December 18th. We have already sold 14 yearbooks which  is good! Our goal is to sell 53 yearbooks this year. You can also  put down a $10 deposit for one to. If you buy a yearbook now you can get two cookies! After Christmas Break it will go up to $30 until Spring Break. After that, the yearbook is its regular price of $35.

Hartem Loses Against Clinton High School

By Kyle Johner
December 14, 2015

The Hartem High School basketball team played Friday at Clinton High School and they lost both games. JV's score was 33-60 and Varsity's score was 48-74. I asked some of the players how they felt about the game and they said they felt alright.

Christmas Movie

by Brooklyn Swinford
December 15, 2015

The Grade School is going to the Arlee Movie Theater in Mason City on December 18th.That day is also our  last day of school before Christmas break . They are watching The Peanut Movie. It's  kindergarten through fifth grade  that are going to watch it. They are leaving @ 9:30 and will return sometime around lunch time. Hope everyone has great and safe Christmas Break!

Lady Toppers defeat Blue Ridge

By Alyssa Bridge
December 15, 2015

Last night, December 14, 2015, the Mt. Pulaski/Hartsburg-Emden Lady Toppers competed in a varsity basketball game against Blue Ridge. The foul-ridden game started out close, but towards the end of the second quarter the Lady Toppers went on a run and continued to play with that kind of intensity for the rest of the game. By the end of the third quarter, the Lady Toppers were up by a score of 47-15. The final score of the game was 54-29. The Lady Toppers now have a record of 6 wins and 5 losses. Their next game is this Thursday in Mt. Pulaski versus Decatur Lutheran. The JV game starts at 6:15 pm.

FFA Public Speaking

by Chris Huffman
December 14, 2015

Public speaking is a great thing for students that are scared to speak in front of crowds because you practice so much with your fellow classmates and learn all the right things, so that talking in front of people becomes easy before the competition. This year there is a Public Speaking event on January 27 and Ms. Fanning is looking for students that would like to at least try it with other students in FFA first before they go to the competition so they can see if they would be interested in doing Public Speaking or not. I personally have never done Public Speaking, but everyone I have talked to has enjoyed it and has highly recommended it to any other student! I have been told “it is a great time and a great way for you to meet new people and find out something new about yourself as well." I encourage you to at least try it, see Ms. Fanning for details.

Monday, December 14, 2015


By Lexi Strange
December 7, 2015

Last Wednesday, I woke up like any other day. I slept through my alarm and scurried around the house trying to get ready for school and leave just in time. I drove to school on a cloudy day. As I arrived to school and reported to my first hour journalism class, we started class like any other day with a traditional mini lesson. At about 8:45a.m. our superintendent Mr. Wisniewski came over the announcements reading that we were currently on lockdown and no one was allowed to leave. As I heard this I thought to myself,  "Well this is strange. We've never done this before." As I continued to work I kept trying to draw conclusions on what might be happening. We sat in our classrooms for about an hour and thirty minutes until our principal Mr. Leslie came to the room and told us what had occurred. There was a threat made to our school through a downloaded program which was then posted on our school website. It was posted at 4:22a.m. As the cops of course came, they traced the message to the Netherlands. As I take in all this information I'm utterly confused with someone's conduct. As the conversation persisted throughout the day, we knew nothing more. If anybody has any information on this, or may know something please contact the Hartem High School at 642-5244.

Dairy Foods Judging

by Chris Huffman
December 10, 2015

The Hartem FFA has recently participated in a Dairy Foods Judging event on December 2nd. These events are always cool because it's not like just going on field trips. You actually learn quite a bit while you are there. Everyone that I
know that goes to Dairy Foods Judging enjoys it. When I asked Jarrett Rohlfs how the judging team placed he said the finished 6th place overall which isn't too bad for having a few kids that have never done it before! I highly encourage any new highschooler coming in next year to join FFA and to be involved. There aren't a lot of farm kids left in our community and not a lot of kids are interested in FFA and I think that needs to change! FFA is a big part of our school and we need to keep it going and to do that we need to stay involved in events like this one.

Bottle tops for Cancer patients

by Chris Huffman
December 11, 2015

The Hartsburg~Emden students and staff are collecting plastic bottle tops for cancer patients. For every so many bottle caps we collect and turn in, a cancer patient will get a free treatment! This is a great way to help our community to come together as a group and raise something other than money for a great cause! I know I will be participating and you should, too! It is very easy if you have any questions just ask one of the staff members of Hartsburg~Emden!
Thank you.

Another Loss, another Lesson

by Kaylee Beekman
December 10, 2015

The Hartem basketball team takes yet another loss. JV lost their game 56-35. The Junior Varsity

team is taking it one game at a time and using every game as a learning experience. Varsity is doing the

same. The Varsity team lost in a close game against Illini Central, 46-34. The Stags were in the lead the

first quarter, but after the second, the game started to slip away from the Stags. It was back and forth for

the rest of the night but IC finally slipped away and took the win. Sophomore Varsity starter, Alex Vetter,

thinks that his team can be successful this season. “I think that if we continue to grow as a team the

wins will come. We just have to keep working hard.” He also shared a lesson that he’s learned this

season, “One thing I’ve learned is that we have to be in good shape. We don’t have the numbers so we

each get a lot of playing time and we need to be in shape for that.” Co-captain of the Varsity squad, Alec

Hayes, also shared one lesson he has learned. “I know we have the potential to be good. But I’ve learned

that no matter how good we are, if we play sloppy any team can beat us.” The Stags play their next game

against Clinton High School on Friday, December 11th. They plan to put every lesson and learning

experience they have experienced to use and come out with a win.

Sr. Beta Club Gets in the Giving Spirit

By Alyssa Bridge
December 11, 2015

On Thursday, December 10, the Senior Beta Club took a trip to Lincoln, Illinois. Prior to this trip, the Senior Beta Club asked for donations for each class and other organizations throughout the school. They raised $675 in donations. These donations were used to buy children presents for this Christmas. On the trip, the students went shopping at Walmart for the Angel Tree gifts and then after they did all of their shopping, they volunteered their time at an event. This event was a place where 3 and 4 year olds could come in and pick out gifts for their family. The students would help them find gifts and wrap them for them. Some of the children looked so happy while shopping and wanted to get everyone they know a gift. Overall, it was a great experience for the group and they had a lot of fun.

JH Basketball- WLB

By Kyle Johner
December 11, 2015
The Jr.High Hartem Basketball team faced WLB last Thursday and lost both games 7th grade lost 23-48 and 8th grade lost 23 to 62.

No sleep!

By: Lexi Strange 
December 9, 2015

As a teen it's easy to miss out on sleep. With finals rolling around the corner we need to make sure that we're taking in enough sleep to have energy. As studying begins and late nights seem to be getting even later, we need to be sure we're getting the proper rest that is needed. On average, a teenager needs about 9 1/2 hours of sleep a night. Teenagers are getting about 7 1/2 hours instead. I couldn't stress to you how much sleep is important to the body. Here are some steps in to take to prepare for finals.
1. Get some sleep! I promise the video games will still be there tomorrow. The more sleep, the more energy you have.
2. Study at least 40 minutes a night.
3. Be organized. Make a schedule of what you have to do for that week so there is no confusion. 
4. Eat a good breakfast the morning of finals to gain energy and stay focused! Who can stay focused with a empty belly?
5. Just relax! Finals can be super stressful. Everybody wants to good and the pressure is on. Don't stress too much, it will be okay!

FFA Annual Christmas trees at Whistle Stop Park

by Chris Huffman
December 9, 2015

The Hartsburg~Emden FFA will be putting up the annual Christmas trees on December 9th at the Whistle Stop Park in Emden. The town loves having the FFA do this and the kids enjoy doing it as well. The trees are happily donated by the great people of the Hartsburg and Emden communities. I personally like putting up the trees because it's usually hard for me to get involved with the FFA during the summer, fall, and spring due to working a lot of the time so during the winter months I get to be involved! Then we have some kids in the FFA that have a hard time finding a ride to events and since this event is in town just about everyone can be a part of it. The best part of putting up the trees is being able to drive by the park and say, “I helped put those up.”

JH Basketball Update- Christ the King

By Kyle Johner
December 2, 2015
The Jr.High basketball team for Hartem lost to Christ the King. The final score for 7th grade was 44-12 and the final score for 8th grade was 38-18.

Cheerleading and Basketball Family Dinners

by Hunter Langley
December 9, 2015
    Saturday, December 12th, the high school cheerleading squad and the high school basketball team and their families have been invited to a team dinner. This will take place at the high school and they will be having lasagna with a few sides made by Micheal Biesor and Betty Jo Lesson. Hopefully both teams enjoy it!

Seniors Plans for after High School

by: Adre Vetter
December 8, 2015

Are you wondering what the seniors are going to do after high school? Well I’m going to tell you about what they plan to do this week and next week as well. Here are just some of the seniors plans for after this year. I will do some more senior plans next week.

Alyssa Bridge- Plans to attend college and major in Biochemistry and Chemistry and to get her Master's degree in chemistry.

Lexi Strange- Plans to attend Carl Sandburg for 2 years, further her career in sports, then transfer to Western to major in criminal justice.

Kyle Johner- Plans on going to MTI.

Brooklyn Swinford- Plans to major in photography.

Nathan Nowatney- Plans to move to Kansas then travel around the world.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ice, Ice, Baby

by Nathan Nowatney
December 6, 2015

People associate a lot of different things with winter. For some, it’s the holiday season, gifts, and giving. For others, it’s getting together with family. But I always associate winter with one thing in particular: ice.

Every year, I hear about people slipping and falling, and for some of the older members of our community, this could mean a trip to the hospital, or worse!

So, make sure you’re safe whenever you go out.

  • Tread slowly and carefully.
  • Watch your footing.
  • Help out anyone who needs it.

Have a safe, and happy winter! Mind the ice!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Stag-lite Archives-- February 2, 1950

Yea! Stags! Rah!
By "Chuckie" Cross

[page 2, column 1]

Published by the Hartsburg-Emden Community High School of Hartsburg, Illinois.

Vol. VII February 1, 1950 No. 8



Hartsburg-Emden showed the fans at the tournament that they were a real tournament team by tripping Elkhart in a last second thriller. The Stags played one of the classiest floor games up to that point in the tournament.

At the end of the first quarter H-E led 11-6; at the half-time, 17-6; at the three-quarter mark H-E led 24-21. Late in the fourth quarter Eklhart held their only lead and it took the Stags 3 minutes to make it a 30-30 tie.About this time Dick Gardner made a field goal from an impossible angle to boost the Stags into a 2 point lead. With 50 seconds to play H-E made a free throw good and Williams then connected and made it a 5 points margin. Hanner then made 2 points via free throws in the last 20 seconds to narrow this margin to 3 points.

Williams tallied 15 points; Wagner, 10; B. Gardner, 5; D. Gardner, 2; Lolling, 2.

Hanner tallied 15 points; Hahn, 6; V. Dennison, 7; and, Dee 4 points for the Redbirds.

Coach Finchum figured that if they could hold Hahn and Hanner to a total of 20 points that they could beat Elkhart. Therefore, he put Wagner and Zimmer vs. Hanner; B. Gardner and Williams vs. Hahn. His plan worked.



Friday, January 20

The Stags won a hard-fought battle with Middletown. Keith W. was high-point man for the evening with 15. Zimmer scored 14; B. Gardner, 12; Wagner, 4; Rohlfs, 2; and, D. Gardner, 1. [continued on column 2]

[page 2, column 2]


H-E had little trouble in trouncing the Atlanta Redwings at Atlanta Tuesday night 52-32.

B. Gardner led the scoring with 13 points. D. Gardner scored 1 point; Williams, 10; Zimmer, 9. Brossamer, Klockenga, and Behrends also played.

For Atlanta Kindred tallied 3 points; Quissenberry, 7; Johnson, 11; Cotten, 2; Swearingen, 7; and Canfield, 2.

The Reserves won their game 32-11. They allowed Atlanta 1 field goal.

[continued from column 1]

They made 14 of the 24 attempted free throws.

For Middletown Glenn and Hawk led the scoring attack with 11 each. Agnew closely followed with 10. Johnson garnered 7 points; Carter, 6.

They made 11 of the 24 free throws attempted.

[page 3]


[page 3, column 1]

The Stags won the Championship trophy of the Logan County Tournament Saturday night for the second consecutive year.

The Stags played that game that a coach dreams about when they played their top game of the season to date in the Championship tilt of the Logan County Tournament. They defeated a team that had lost but two games in 19 starts and had earlier in the season swamped the Stags.

During the first quarter New Holland scored only 1 field goal for 2 points while the Stags tallied 12. By half time the Wildcats tallied only 2 field goals and 2 free throws while the Stags tallied a total of 20 points, leading 20-6.

During the last half H-E showed a somewhat better game than the Wildcats by scoring 24 points to 21 for the Cats. Going into the fourth quarter the Stags led 31-14 and at the final gun they held that all important margin of 17 points.

H-E hit 18 out of 23 charity tosses while New Holland cashed in on 7 out of 17.

Wagner scored first in the game and accounted for 6 of the H-E's points; 4 via the foul line.

The Stags fed Williams, their 6'1" center, so that he tallied 23 points. He made 3 of his 9 jump shots, one layup, and 4 charity tosses.

Zimmer tallied 2 field baskets and 5 free throws totaling 9.

[page 3, column 2]

Bob Garnder connected with 1 field goal and 2 free throws, 4 points altogether.

The starting five were replaced late in the game by Hoar, Aper, Stuan, Lolling, and Sampen. Hoar tallied 2 points from the foul line.

It was, indeed, an inspired Stag squad that rolled to an impressive 44-27 victory. Its ball handling and control was superb. It would pass around the New Holland zone to pop one through from the corner or got one into Williams for a jump shot.

Berger was high point man for New Holland with 9 points. Blaum made 7 points; Hillder, 3; Gorden, 2 Beck, 1; and Juhl, 5.



The Stags won their first round game to defeat Middletown by 10 points, and thus advanced to the second round of the Logan County Tournament.

B. Gardner scored 6 points; D. Gardner, 4; Williams, 20; Wagner, 4; and Zimmer, 7.

The Stags tossed in 9 out of 14 free throws.

For Middletown, Hawk scored 12; Agnew, 4; Glenn, 7; Garter, 1; and, Johnson, 7.

They made 9 out of 19 attempts from the free thrown line.

[page 4, column 1]


FAME to the boys for winning the Logan County Tournament.

SHAME on Miss Berninger for giving the Junior English Class a test every day.

SHAME on the Sophomores for not having a quiet class meeting.

SHAME on Mary Ann K. for losing her shoe in the Junior English Class.

SHAME on Patty W. for thinking her water was scortching in Home Ed.

FAME to the seniors who stayed on their feet at the ice skating party.

SHAME to the Juniors for wanting to take the candy out of the candy machine and sell it for a dime.

SHAME on Donald W. for not wanting to give one of his baby pictures to the Antler.

SHAME to that certain girl on the Emden bus who insists upon sitting by the heater even on hot days.

SHAME on the Sophomores for not having a quiet class meeting.

SHAME to the fans who booed when the Stags came on the floor.

FAME to Alberta, Marian, and Kay for staying awake the longest at he party. (5:15)

SHAME to Loretta and Verna Mae for going to bed so early. (3:00)

SHAME to Lois and Betty for getting in the way of Marian and her undertaker's carriage.


Why were there so many cases of hiccoughs at Albert'as slumber party Tuesday night?

The girls said they had a good lunch. Marian B. was privileged by having onion skin on her chilliburger sandwich.

Can you imagine Verna Mae being rocked to sleep in a doll cradle?

Bob Gardner was certainly in a big hurry to get home. We wonder why? It couldn't be that the girls threw him out the door.

Beat New Holland]

[page 4, column 2]


Dean Davison... February 13
Harold Jeckel... February 15
Gene Aper...     February 16
Donald Wagner... February 19


The freshmen class attended the movie, "The Story of Seabiscuit" for their first party of the semester. After the show they stopped at Bee's for refreshments. Mr. Ryan and Mr. Montgomery accompanied them.


We're sorry we left James Rohls name off the semester honor roll.



1931-- First
1934-- Second
1935-- Second
1936-- First
1937-- Third
1939-- First
1940-- Second
1941-- Third
1942-- First
1943-- First
1944-- First
1945-- First
1946-- Third
1947-- Third
1948-- Third
1949-- First
1950-- First

Above are some statistics concerning the part that Hartsburg-Emden has played in the Logan County Tournaments during the past 20 years.



The National Polio Drive is now under way. Coin cards have been distributed to all students at the various schools.

The Hartsburg Auxiliary and Woman's Club are sponsoring a card party at the high school February 7. There will be prizes awarded, and there will be a cake walk.

In Emden there will be an amateur show sponsored by the Mother's Club at the Community House February 13. The Hartsburg-Emden High School will have four participants.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Home Opener

by Kaylee Beekman
December 7, 2015

The Hartem high school basketball team hosted their first home game this past Saturday.

They played Warrensburg-Lathem in the home opener at 6:00. Both jv and varsity ended with a

loss, but the boys played their hardest and still have much time to improve. The junior varsity’s

ending score was 24-63. In a basketball varsity home opener there was nothing less expected

than an intense game. The crowds were loud and the boys played hard. The game resulted in 2

boys from the Warrensburg-Lathem basketball team going to the hospital with possibly a

concussion and a broken nose. Sadly, the boys came up short and ended up losing 43-64. Senior,

Clay Olson, had a few things to say about the game. When asked about how the team as a whole

did Saturday he said, “I think we came out strong in the 1st half but lost our momentum and ran

out of steam in the 2nd half.” He also said the team has a lot to improve on: “The 2 biggest things

we need to fix is having less turnovers and keeping our intensity up in the 2nd half.” The boys will

play their next home game Tuesday, December 8th, against Illini Central.

Lady Toppers Top Warrensburg

By Alyssa Bridge
December 7, 2015

On Saturday morning, the Lady Toppers competed against the Cardinals of Warrensburg-Latham. The Toppers won by a score of 55-48 and it was a great game. Right out of the gate, it was a close game. The Toppers went on a nice run to start the game, but by halftime, the Cardinals had already caught up and were up by 4 at the half. To start the third quarter, Mt. Pulaski came out on a mission. The girls immediately went on a run and continued to keep that pressure up the rest of the game. Even when Warrensburg had to foul to stop the clock, the Lady Toppers hit their free throws. The put the game away and they played well doing so.  

New 8th Grader in the Building

by Hunter Langley
December 1, 2015

   Monday, November 30, the 8th grade class at our school was blessed with a new student, Emily Craig. She just moved here from Lincoln, where she was attending Lincoln Junior High. I asked Emily how the new school was treating her, she responded as any new student I would suspect. She said she is enjoying it and definitely has some getting used to to do. She made the junior high volleyball team last week and plans on doing track in the upcoming season. Best of luck with everything Emily!

Hartem Holiday Concerts

by: Adre Vetter
December 3, 2015

The Hartem high school will be having their annual holiday concert on Friday, December 4th at 6:30 in the high school gymnasium. 6th through 12th grade will be performing. This year the choir/band teacher is Mr. Pluhm who just graduated from Illinois Wesleyan.This is his first year teaching choir/band. The grade school will have their holiday concert on Monday, December 7th at 6:30 also in the high school gym. The grade school music teacher is still Mrs. Jordan who also teaches 7th grade reading over at the high school. Mrs. Jordan has been the music teacher for  19 years. Everybody come out and support the Hartem choir!

Junior High Basketball

By Kyle Johner
December 2, 2015
Good luck to the Hartsburg Jr. High basketball team tonight as they face Springfield Christ the King at home at 5:00.


by Nathan Nowatney
December 2, 2015

Two-thousand and sixteen. The words ring around in my head as I try comprehending how close the year is from being over. So… after this semester is over what now? What do you do in a fresh new year? Well, here’s my top-5 list of how to start 2nd semester off right.

5: Forgive past feuds.

New years are a great way to resolve things, and old grudges are great for that. Whether it be with a family member you haven’t talked to for ages, or a friend who you no longer consider, give it a try. You’ll be surprised how good it feels to have that lifted from you.

4: Clean out your locker.

This may sounds simple, but really- it’s pretty vital. A new semester is a clean slate, and your locker should reflect that. The day before break, just bringing a trash can over, and scooping junk out of your locker during a study hall can get your personal storage space in great condition for next year.

3: Read.

No, but really. Read. Reading’s super good for you, so while you’re on break, find something you like, and make sure to read every single day- you’ll retain more of what you learned this semester.

(Hard mode: It’s even better if you write every day, too.)

2: Think positively.

Instead of thinking of 2nd semester as ‘a whole ‘nother half of the school year’, think of it as the school year being half over. It only goes downhill from here.

1: Start strong.

If there’s any time you should try your hardest during school, it’s the first week or so of a semester- remember, the grades reset. So, you’ll have a fresh start. Make the most of it. I know I’ll be pounding out assignments the first two weeks. After that, you can just ride out the rest of the semester at ease, knowing you’ve made a safety net for yourself.

Anyways, that’s it folks, have a wonderful day, and be prepared for 2016!


by Nathan Nowatney
December 2, 2015

It’s that time of year again. Time for tinsel, egg-nog, and presents galore. It’s the Christmas season!

I always get feeling incredibly nostalgic when I see all the street-decor go up in Hartsburg-Emden. It reminds me of the magic of my first Christmas here...

So, break out the decorations, and get started, we only have a few weeks left of school before the break.

Break starts December 19, finals week is right around the corner, so get preparing- and be careful, the roads are starting to get slippery.

I hope you all have a safe, and fun Christmas this year!

New intercoms for the office

by Kayla Zimmerman
December 1, 2015

I asked Erica Sanders in the office how she liked the new office intercom system. These were the questions and answers I got.

I asked her if she liked it better than the other system, her answer was “Yes, I do the other one made a beeping noise.” She also said “I like it, but Mrs. Curry’s room is very quiet when I try and talk to her.”

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Stag-lite Archives-- January 18, 1950

[page 2, Column 1]

Published by the Hartsburg-Emden Community High School of Hartsburg, Illinois.

Vol. VII January 18, 1950 No. 7
Editor... Marian Bruns
Managing Editor... Verna menssen
Make-up Editor... Kay Behrends
Proof Readers... Marilyn Klokkenga
                         Mary Ann Klokkenga
Sports Writers... Dean McMath
                           Dean Davison
Feature Writer... Betty Gail Shirley
Gossip Writers... Mary Detmers
                          Luella Mammen
                         Mary Jean Reiners
Reporters... Janet Kaesebeir, James
                   Hoar, Marguertie Bruns,
                   Myrna Williams, Betty
                   Laun, Barbara Behrends,
                   Janet Klopp, Geneva
                   Klokkenga, Dean McMath,
                   Donald Aper
Circulation Department... Jim Rohlfs
                                       Jack Detjen
Typists... Betty Manus,
              Kay Behrends, Lois Klokkenga,
              Alberta Bergman, Verna Menssen
Artists... Charline Cross,
              Loretta Fink
Ditto Operators... Verna Menssen,
                            Lois Klokkenga
Faculty Advisor... Mrs. West

The High School will present the operetta "The Glass Slipper" on March 30 and 31.

The cast includes Geneva Klokkenga, Wayne Lolling, Betty Manus,  Dean McMath, Marianna Grussing, Harold Jeckel, Shirley Van Hilsen, Jackie Detjen, Kay Behrends, and Harry Thompson.

The chorus consists of 16 girls and 16 boys. The 16 girls in the chorus are as follows: Mary Reiners, Mary Wrage, Ruth Ellen Harms, Janet Kaesebier, Janet Whittaker, pat Zieglowsky, Peggy Brosamer, Loretta Fink, Lois Klokkenga, Ruthie Liesman, Alberta Bergman, Alrene Bergold, Marian Bruns, Marilyn Klokkenga, Verna Mae Henssen, and Hazel Ann Rademaker.

[page 2, column 2]


Jeanette Aper is employed at Ey's Bakery. Marian Aper is working at the Hi-Ho Confectionery. Wayne Aper is an employee at Armour Creameries. Ramon Bruns is attending Lincoln College. Fred Detmers is working at Martin's Service Station. Alberta Luken is employed at the County Nurse's Office. Lloyd Hellman is working for the Fuller Seed Company. Donna Rae Harmsen is a student at Lincoln College. Bill Teaney  is an employee at the Caterpillar Tractor Co. Clara Bruner  is a switchboard operator at her home. Darlene Arnold is employed at Spellman's. Joanne Teaney is working at the Hotel Lincoln. Robert Singley is employed by the IC Railroad. Mary Lou Harms works at the Farm Bureau Office in Lincoln. Loretta Kaesebier is attending the U. of I. Mary Lou Krusemark is a [sic] also a student there. Lloyd Schneider is employed by the Caterpillar Tractor Company. Marolyn  and Carolyn Fink are working at Reiners Grocery Store. Gerald Sampen is a student at Normal University. Wayne Hoar is an employee for the Emden Grain Co. Shorty Bruns is employed at the Caterpillar Tractor Co. Those that are finding work at home very tedious are as follows: Eileen Eichelberger, Irene Westen, Betty Hamilton, Dean Shirley, Kenneth McMath, Phyllis Hellman, Don Klokkenga, Mary Ellen Bruns, and Leland Klokkenga.



Our new teacher is Mr. Duane Montgomery. He is from Macomb, Illinois. He was graduated from Western Illinois State College, at Macomb, in June 1949 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education. he is living in an apartment at Mrs. Hutton's house. The subjects that he is teacher are: Biology, Physics, Geometry, General Science, and Algebra.

Beat Middletown

[page 3, column 1]

Hartsburg-Emden... 34
Beason...                 23

Hartsburg-Emden... 35
Elkhart...                 28

Hartsburg-Emden... 39
Stanford...               30

Hartsburg-Emden... 39
Kenny...                  12

Hartsburg-Emden... 38
Latham...                 34


Hartsburg-Emden... 50
Heyworth...             43

Hartsburg-Emden... 48
Toluca...                  44

Hartsburg-Emden... 32
Lexington...             70

Hartsburg-Emden... 45
Beason...                 33

Hartsburg-Emden... 36
Eklhart...                 49

Hartsburg-Emden... 46
Stanford...               54

Hartsburg-Emden... 47
Kenny...                  22

Hartsburg-Emden... 41
Latham...                 28


Some of the best rates for the Typing I class for a 5 minute test for the first semester are as follows:

Mary Wrage... 44
Winifred Thompson...43
Betty Shirley... 40
Janet Kaesebier... 42
Shirley Van Hilsen... 50
Marilyn Klokkenga... 42

In the Typing II class here are some of the achievements:
Three minute test:

[page 3, column 2]


Coach Finchum: 1st. Hartsburg-Emden
                          2nd. New Holland
                          3rd. Elkhart

Keith Williams: 1st. New Holland
                        2nd. Hartsburg-Emden
                        3rd. Atlanta

Bob Gardner: 1st. Hartsburg-Emden
                      2nd. New Holland
                      3rd. Atlanta

"Flip" Zimmer: 1st. New Holland
                       2nd. Hartsburg-Emden
                       3rd. Atlanta

Dick Gardner: 1st. New Holland
                       2nd. Hartsburg-Emden
                       3rd. Atlanta

James Hoar: 1st. Hartsburg-Emden
                    2nd. New Holland
                    3rd. Atlanta

Donald Wagner: 1st. New Holland
                           2nd. Hartsburg-Emden
                          3rd. Atlanta

Dick, Flip, and Keith say that the Stags have a good chance to win, even though they placed Hartsburg-Emden second.

We think that the morals [sic] of the team is [sic] very low and the spirit is not what it should be.

We are happy to know that Keith will be playing again after being out with a sprained ankle.

George Lolling says that Hartsburg-Emden will play New Holland in the finals, but the game will be a much better played game than the one at New Holland, but New Holland will win by a small margin.
[continued from column 1, page 3]

Marian Bruns...86
Verna Mae Menssen...83
Ten Minute Test:
Marian Bruns... 60
Kay Behrends... 63.58
Loretta Fink... 58.1
Dale Klockenga...51
Verna Mae Menssen... 55.9

[page 4, column 1]


The Seniors have begun working on the annual yearbook of the Hartsburg-Emden Community High School. It will be a different type of yearbook than the previous ones. They have already collected $136 from advertising. If anyone wants to give them an "ad" they should get in contact with any member of the senior class.


Editor... Loretta Fink
Assistant Editor... Kay Behrends
Art Editor... Gene Conrady
Photo Editor... Betty Manus
Business Manager... Donald Wagner
Assistant Manager... Harry Thompson
School Calendar... Dean Davison
                             Harold Jeckel
Sports Editor... Bob Gardner
Music... John Bergman
             Donald Johnson
Activities... Elizabeth Aper
                  Evelyn Lessen
Freshman Reporters... Marguerite Bruns
                                   Joe Behrends
Sophomore Reporters... Charline Cross
                                      Dale Clockenga
Junior Reporter-- Betty Gail Shirley
Senior Reporter--- Lois Klokkenga
Typists: Marian Bruns, Alberta Bergman,
             and Verna Mae Menssen.

4-H Meeting

The "Tri-Township" 4H Club held its regular meeting Wednesday, Jan. 4. The meeting was called to order by the Vice-President Dale Klockenga. After the minutes of the previous meeting was read, Mr. Burgener passed out the new 4H books to the members who turned in membership cards.

The meeting was then turned over to Don Johnson, the program chairman. Talks were given by Ralph Newby, Norman Hellman, Joe West, and Don Johnson. The meeting was then closed by the pledge to the flag. After the close of the meeting basketball was played in the gym.

[page 4, column 2]

Attendance Record
                    Absent       Tardy          %
Freshman:           4            0            98.8%
Sophomore:      19            0            97.7%
Junior:              23 1/2       2            97.3%
Senior:                9            3           98.[?]%
School Average:                            98.0%

Perfect Attendance for the Semester


Joan Aper
Gretchen Behrends
Harry Bill Haferkamp
Sherry Holmes
Carol Klokkenga
Janet Whittaker


Barbara Behrends
Robert Briggs
Walter Harmsen
Janet Klopp
Betty Laun
Virginia Lessen
Dean McMath
John Myers
Kenneth Sampsen
Geneva Schleder
Myrna Williams
Patricia Zieglowsky


Darrell Klockenga
Mary Ann Klockenga
Marjorie Lessen
Ruth Liesman
Eldon Oltmanns
Hazel Ann Rademaker
Betty Gail Shirley


Kay Behrends
Dale Klockenga
Betty Manus
Verna Mae Menssen

The attendance has been exceptionally good up to the present date. We hope it will not diminish during the next semester.

[page 5 column 1]


That a certain girl on the Emden bus always wants to sit in the front seat. Is it because of the bus driver or Bob G.?

That Arlene and John pick Main Street for their ____________?

That a certain freshman girl can't make up her mind between upper classmen? What about it Janet?

That Billy never pays attention in Bookkeeping. How about it Shirley?

That Bob Gardner couldn't get his car started at Alberta's the other night?

That Harold Jeckel insists upon going to the show on Sunday nights alone?

That Janet W. likes to turn corners too fast in Kenneth's HUdson?

That Dickie F. is always going into the English room? (Want an A, Dickie?)


Say Winifred, what is this we hear about you and Ralph Newby sitting on the bus together?

There is a certain sophomore girl that wants to go with Dea McMath. Know anything about it, Lyrna?

How do the sophomore girls like the new Biology teacher?

The Big Question? Does Kenneth prefer "Chuckie" to Janet?

We hear that Miss Berninger has been telling English III she has never been on a honeymoon. What about it Miss B.?

The junior class has two good??? businessmen. How about it Bill and Lorney?

What do Donald and Betty Gail do on Saturday nights? Are those Bradley games interesting?

We wonder why two senior boys had to settle an argument with boxing gloves.

We wonder how Marian and Kay managed to be so quiet in English.

We wonder why Joe West said to his mother, "Mom, is Mrs. West there?"


Win Logan County Tournament

[page 5 column 2]


Joe Behrends:

Born-- October 28, 1932, at Hartsburg, Illinois
Favorite Actress-- Gloria DeHaven
Favorite Actor-- Dan Dailey
Favorite Book-- GONE WITH THE WIND
Favorite Movie-- Give My Regards to Broadway
Favorite Pastime--- Girls
Favorite Hobby-- Girls
Favorite Song "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth."
Favorite Food-- Chicken
Ambition-- Educated Tramp

Alberta Bergman

Born-- January 30, 1933, at Hartsburg, Illinois
Favorite Actress-- June Allyson
Favorite Actor-- Dan Dailey
Favorite Book-- GOOD EARTH
Favorite Movie-- Roseanna McCoy
Favorite Pastime-- Reading
Favorite Hobby--???
Favorite Song-- "Someday"
Favorite Food-- Cheery Pie Alamode
Ambition-- House Wife (I guess)

Can You Imagine

Can you imagine all of the students getting an A on their semester tests.

Can yous imagine Junior girls[?] not wearing their purple sweater's on the same day.

Can you imagine the seniors all being able to attend a class meeting at the same time.

Can you imagine Arlene being out with John Bergman 10 nights in a row.

Can you imagine Loretta Fink not wanting to accept an A in typing. (Maybe it's because she wants to keep her straight B average.)

Can you imagine a certain senior betting $100 that he missed no more than three questions in American History.

[page six, column one]


Everyone is busy practicing for the music contests for this coming spring.

Of course as yet we don't know who will take part in it but they are all trying.

Those busy practicing for instrumental selections are: Alberta Bergman, Arlene Bergold, Marian Bruns, Jack Detjen, Mary Detmers, Loretta Fink, Janet Kaesebier, Hazel Rademaker, Marilyn Klokkenga, Betty Gail Shirley, Marjorie Lessen, and Shirley Van Hilsen.

Vocal: Kay Behrends, Marianna Grussing, Harold Jeckel, Shirley Van Hilsen, Geneva Klokkenga, Betty Manus, and Charline Cross.

Cornet Trio: Marjorie Lessen, Marilyn Klokkenga, and Ruth Klokkenga.

Clarinet Trio: Janet Kaesebier, Betty Shirley, and Mary A. Klokkenga.

Girls Sextet, Girls Trio, Girls Chorus, and Boys Chorus.


Wednesday, January 25

       New Holland vs. Latham
       Hartsburg-Emden vs. Middletown

       Elkhart vs. Beason

Thursday, January 26

       Winner Game 1 vs. Atlanta

        Winner Game 2 vs. Winner Game 3

Saturday, January 28





[page 6, column 2]


Freshmen-- Honors

Carol Klokkenga
Arlene Bergold
Joan Aper

Sophomores-- Honors

Barbara Behrends
Robert Briggs
Charline Cross
James Hoar
Kenneth Sampen
James Rohlfs

Juniors-- High Honor

Betty Gail Shirley


Bob Brosamer
Jack Detjen
Marianna Grussing
Mary Jean Reiners
Shirley Van Hilsen
Mary Wrage

Seniors-- High Honors

Marian Bruns
Don Johnson


Kay Behrends
Dale Klockenga
Betty Manus

To have High Honors the student must have 4 A's.


Freshmen-- High Honors
              Arlene Bergold
              Joan Aper
Sophomore-- Honors
                Barbara Behrends
                Charline Cross
                James Hoar
                Kenneth Sampen
Junior-- High Honors
                Betty Gail Shirley
                Mary Wrage
              Robert Brosamer
              Jack Detjen
              Marianna Grussing
              Mary Ann Klokkenga
              Shirley Van Hilsen
Senior-- High Honors
              Marian Bruns
              Don Johnson
              Kay Behrends
              Dale Klockenga
              Betty Manus