Monday, December 14, 2015

No sleep!

By: Lexi Strange 
December 9, 2015

As a teen it's easy to miss out on sleep. With finals rolling around the corner we need to make sure that we're taking in enough sleep to have energy. As studying begins and late nights seem to be getting even later, we need to be sure we're getting the proper rest that is needed. On average, a teenager needs about 9 1/2 hours of sleep a night. Teenagers are getting about 7 1/2 hours instead. I couldn't stress to you how much sleep is important to the body. Here are some steps in to take to prepare for finals.
1. Get some sleep! I promise the video games will still be there tomorrow. The more sleep, the more energy you have.
2. Study at least 40 minutes a night.
3. Be organized. Make a schedule of what you have to do for that week so there is no confusion. 
4. Eat a good breakfast the morning of finals to gain energy and stay focused! Who can stay focused with a empty belly?
5. Just relax! Finals can be super stressful. Everybody wants to good and the pressure is on. Don't stress too much, it will be okay!