Sept. 27, 2016
by Hayden Vetter
High school cross country season has started over at Delavan High and we have two wonderful runners from Hartem co-oping with Delavan this year! Alex Vetter, a junior who has ran for Delavan since his freshman year, is continuing his third year running cross country. Alex has, of yet, been unable to run due to injury. He has been told he will be running on Tuesday the 27th at El Paso-Gridley. He hopes to do well there! Evan Rohlfs, freshman, is the second runner from Hartem running for Delavan High School. This is Evan's first year running cross country. Evan hopes to do great things this year and if his high school running career goes anything like his junior high career, he should do just fine. Good luck on Tuesday, boys!
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Hartem-Delavan Golf Match 9/20/16
Sept. 21, 2016
By Ivy Merz
On September 20th, 2016, the Hartem-Delavan golf players left the high school early to compete in a match in Springfield against Williamsville and Pittsfield.
On the Hartem-Delavan golf team there are a total of nine players. Two of which are only on the Junior Varsity Team. Those two are Nate McAfee and Addam Hoerbert. The JV was not involved in this match.
However, the Varsity game played a great match. The whole team overall placed second out of three teams with a score of 184 points. Alex Eads had 55 strokes this match. Williamsville placed first, with an overall score of 163 strokes.
Head Coach Robinson said that this wasn’t the team's best match. He also said that the reason the team didn’t play as well as they should've was because of the stifling heat in Springfield yesterday.
High school basketball season is starting
Sept. 27, 2016
by Alex Vetter
The high school basketball team is having a team meeting Friday the 23th of September to talk about the beginning of season this season the team will be returning 4 of the five starters. We played well this summer and had a winning record. We are all expecting a big year from this team with 3 seniors leading the way. This is Coach Garber’s second season as the head coach of the high school team.
by Alex Vetter
The high school basketball team is having a team meeting Friday the 23th of September to talk about the beginning of season this season the team will be returning 4 of the five starters. We played well this summer and had a winning record. We are all expecting a big year from this team with 3 seniors leading the way. This is Coach Garber’s second season as the head coach of the high school team.
Junior High Speech
Sept. 27, 2016
by Alex Vetter
Jh speech had a team meeting on 9/14/16 to talk about the start of their season. They are coached by Mrs Hartman.
by Alex Vetter
Jh speech had a team meeting on 9/14/16 to talk about the start of their season. They are coached by Mrs Hartman.
junior high,
Hartem takes on rival Mt. Pulaski
By: Brady Wolpert
September 22, 2016
Mt. Pulaski High School
Thursday evening the Hartsburg-Emden Stags took on the Mt. Pulaski Hilltoppers. The Stags started off playing excellent and fought and won the first match by just two points: 26-24. The teams switched sides of the court and made the game very interesting. The Hartem Stags didn’t come out to play the second game, but the Toppers sure did. The Toppers came out hot the second match and destroyed the Stags winning by 9: 25-16. Now that both teams have won a match each, the two teams sent their Captain out for the coin toss. Ashley Zinser, Stags team Captain, won the toss and of course chose the side we first won on. But unfortunately the Toppers came out with more momentum and defeated the Stags by only 3: 25-22. The girls played their hearts out and that’s all that matters, win or lose.
Mt. Pulaski,
Land of Lincoln CEO- A new opportunity for students
Sept. 23, 2016
by Maddie Shawgo
The Land Of Lincoln CEO program is offered through Lincoln and is open to students from Logan County. The CEO program teaches leadership, encouragement, and creativity. The class takes place during the school year. For the first semester all students in the class meet at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital in Lincoln, second semester students will meet at Central Illinois Ag in Atlanta.
During the class students have the chance to meet multiple different business owners. The class not only helps students with business skills but it also gets their name out there to different business owners. For the class the students will create a group business together, then second semester each student will create their own personal business.
The class consists of fourteen students from Lincoln, Greenview, Olympia, and Hartsburg-Emden. Lincoln students are Anthony Brummett, Lauren Canady, Joy Chi, Adriana Doolin, Noah Henry, Joshua Linares, Ariana Spencer, and Trent Whitham. The student from Greenview is Adam Dorosheff. Olympia students are Alex Weber and Bond Robertson. Hartsburg-Emden students are Hunter Langley, Madison Shawgo, and Ashley Zinser. The class is run and instructed by Jason Mauhar, who runs his own landscaping business.
The CEO class is different from regular classes because it gives students the opportunity to be in real life situations. It gives them great learning experiences with the opportunity to take risks. Jason encourages more students to apply next year for the program.
Students' Opinions on Dress Code
Sept. 26, 2016
by Alexus Buckles
Our dress code here at Hartsburg-Emden Jr. Sr. High School is a subject that is talked about a lot. You hear mostly the girl students talk about it. I interviewed a few students to get their opinions on our school dress code. Kaitlyn Perschall was who I interviewed first.
by Alexus Buckles
Our dress code here at Hartsburg-Emden Jr. Sr. High School is a subject that is talked about a lot. You hear mostly the girl students talk about it. I interviewed a few students to get their opinions on our school dress code. Kaitlyn Perschall was who I interviewed first.
My questions were the following:
- What is your opinion on the school dress code?
- Do you think the school dress code is important?
- How can the school dress code affect your learning process?
- What can our school change to make the dress code better?
Kaitlyn explained to me what she thought. She seemed to be thinking more of being treated fairly.
- “The shoulder rule is irrelevant,” she says. Shoulders aren’t distracting for anyone.
- Kaitlyn believes that some of the rules in our dress code are acceptable. Like the no short shorts and stuff like that.
- “What other people wear doesn’t affect my learning. I think students should be comfortable,” Kaitlyn said.
- Kaitlyn also believes that teachers/staff members shouldn’t make a big deal out of the school dress code.
Denver Merz was the seconds student I interviewed. He kept it short and simple.
- “I found the dress code to be pretty legit,” Denver said
- He agreed that the dress code is important, but didn’t really state why.
- “I don’t want to look over and see a guy shirtless,” Denver stated.
- “I don’t really care if we change the school dress code,” Denver said.
Next was Olivia Garcia.
- Olivia believes that most of the rules about the dress code are okay. She doesn’t understand the shoulder and the open back rule though.
- She believes the school dress code is important.
- “I don’t think what other students wear are distracting. That’s their business,” Olivia stated.
- “I just think that the dress code should hold everybody to the same standards,” Olivia said
The last student I Interviewed was Dylan Duvall.
- Dylan says he has all good intentions towards the school dress code.
- He thinks the school dress code can be important in some ways.
- He believe what other kids wear can be distracting.
- He doesn’t think the dress code needs changed at all.
Livestock Judging- results
Sept. 27, 2016
by Hayden Vetter
The Hartem FFA went to Livestock Judging on Friday September 16th, in Baylis, IL at John Wood Community College Agriculture Building where they competed with many different FFA groups. The Hartem FFA group did great this year: Brody Baker got 5th overall on the junior varsity team. Brody Baker has been around many different livestock animals his whole life, and showed cattle, so when it comes to judging livestock he knows what he's doing. Other students did great as well and the students that didn't know much of what they were doing and how to judge learned a lot on how to judge for the next time. Livestock Judging consists of judging beef cattle, sheep, Boer goats, and pigs. Livestock Judging is a great learning tool on how to pick animals that are sound and will provide the best breeding and meat production.
by Hayden Vetter
The Hartem FFA went to Livestock Judging on Friday September 16th, in Baylis, IL at John Wood Community College Agriculture Building where they competed with many different FFA groups. The Hartem FFA group did great this year: Brody Baker got 5th overall on the junior varsity team. Brody Baker has been around many different livestock animals his whole life, and showed cattle, so when it comes to judging livestock he knows what he's doing. Other students did great as well and the students that didn't know much of what they were doing and how to judge learned a lot on how to judge for the next time. Livestock Judging consists of judging beef cattle, sheep, Boer goats, and pigs. Livestock Judging is a great learning tool on how to pick animals that are sound and will provide the best breeding and meat production.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Journalism Field Trip
Sept. 22, 2016
by Madison Farris
The Journalism class went on a field trip to Riverton High School to a yearbook workshop to make the yearbook as great as possible. The class learned a lot about theme, cameras, and how to sell advertisements better. The class consisted of Brady Wolpert (senior), Chris Huffman (senior), Zach Phillips (junior), Alex Vetter (junior), Hayden Vetter (sophomore), Ivy Merz (sophomore), and Madison Farris (sophomore). The class was missing Alexus Buckles, Kaitlyn Perschall, and Maddie Shawgo. The class learned about how to tie in theme throughout the yearbook, and how to add verbal tie-ins to the yearbook. The class learned a lot, and managed to have a good time. They enjoyed pizza, cookies, and drinks. “It was a great experience and helped me to understand the yearbook better. I really enjoyed the whole experience.” - Ivy Merz.
Yearbook Ad Day a Success
Sept. 16, 2016
by Alexus Buckles
Ad day was a fun and busy day for the Journalism class of 2016. All the students got on the mini bus and made their way to Lincoln to find sponsors for our yearbook. Ad day was considered a success by Mrs. Folkman. We sold 16 ads so far and made a total of $855 in revenue. The Journalism class is still trying sell ads to companies we haven’t talk to yet. The day started up in the square of Lincoln (by the courthouse.) and we made our way around town.
The Journalism class is trying their hardest to make this year’s yearbook a great and positive one. We want all our yearbooks to look their best but I think this yearbook is going to be a special one. After we sold some ads at the square we as a team went to Pizza Hut to enjoy a delicious lunch and to rest for awhile. Once we finished at Pizza Hut we hit a couple places nearby then went down towards the outside of the square. We hit a few businesses there then went down Kickapoo St. and hit a few places there.
We made a goal before we left, we wanted to sell enough ads to make $700. We made our goal shortly afterwards. Mrs. Folkman said if we met our goal we could go out for milkshakes. So once we met our goal the journalism team went to Steak n’ Shake and got milkshakes for the road. When we left their we made our way back to school. By the time we got back school was just letting out so we all got to go home once we got there.
If you have a chance to take Journalism, I would recommend it. It’s a lot of fun and you get to explore being a journalist. If you have any recommendations for a business that may be willing to buy a ad let someone in the journalism class know or tell Mrs. Folkman. We are always willing to take your recommendations.
Tremont vs. Hartem
Sept. 22, 2016
by Ivy Merz
Last week on September 12th, the Hartem volleyball girls played against Tremont. The varsity game went to three sets, with Tremont winning the first with a score of 25-18, Hartem winning the second with a score of 25-13, and finally Tremont winning the last set over Hartem with a winning score of 26-24.
Anna Hayes, (grade 10) was nominated once again to be the Player of the Match. Anna had a game total of 18 kills and 4 points. She has a season total of 192 kills so far! Go Anna!
Although the team had a hard loss, they played their hearts out. Go Stags!
The new school lunches
Sept. 22, 2016
By: Brady Wolpert
Over the years, the schools lunches have changed from being made from scratch to food that’s already been cooked and only needs reheated. They have also added Chili Mac to our lunch this school year. We have great cooks, but all they can do is simply follow state laws and only remake what we are allowed to have. Although most of the food isn’t all that good, the pizza will always be good...hopefully. All of the other food hasn’t changed much from the previous school year. But adding an item really excites us and shows that the cooks are trying to give us good lunches.
Hartem Golf Team
Sept. 15, 2016
by Madison Farris 
The Hartem golf team had a long week of meets. “The score and the meets got a lot better throughout the week,” exclaimed Coach Robinson. On Tuesday, September 13th, the team got 5th out of 13 teams. Wednesday, September 14, the team got 2nd out of 3 teams. The team lost by one to Williamsville. The team also shot the lowest score of the season- 168. On Thursday the team beat Midwest Central and Mount Pulaski. The lowest scoring golfer in the match was Alex Eads, he shot 44. “We are in every match we play. We are always one or two strokes away from winning,” says Coach Robinson.
New teacher at Hartsburg-Emden- Part 2
Sept. 21, 2016
by Kaitlyn Perschall
I interviewed another one of the new teachers. I interviewed Mrs.Simonton. She is our new Social Studies teacher. I asked her 6 questions the questions were…
- How did you hear about our school?
- What made you want to work here?
- Do you like it here so far?
- What’s your favorite thing about our school so far?
- Why did you choose our school to work at?
- What made you want to be a teacher?
I interviewed Mrs.Simonton 1st hour. Her answers were…
- “I knew Mr.W because ours sons are in the same class.”
- “It’s similar to the high school I went to.”
- “Yes.”
- “Everyone is friendly.”
- “The reputation, size and friendliness.”
- “I like helping people to learn.”
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Upcoming FFA events!
Sept. 16, 2016
by Hayden Vetter
by Hayden Vetter
FFA is hoping to do great this year in their competitions, so please sign up for these upcoming events and give it your best shot! Here are some of the upcoming FFA events: on September 28th is Ag Sales, on October 1st is Trapshooting, on October 6 we have Land Use ( Soil Judging ), and on October 10th there is another trap shoot! The 19th through 22nd is national convention! Please sign up for any events you are not signed up for yet and let's have a great FFA Year!
Welcome, New Students!
Sept. 16, 2016
by Alexus Buckles
Hartsburg- Emden Jr . /Sr. High School tried their best to welcome all new students to our learning community. This year so far we have had 3 new high school students. Their names are Nastassja Ott, Mia Young, and Dylan Glick. I got to sit down and talk to Nastassja and Mia, but Dylan was unavailable and will be interviewed at a later date. Nastassja was a very quiet, kind of laid back person but she seems excited to be in a different learning environment. She is part of the junior class. My questions that I asked were the following:
- What are your plans after school?
- Was the school you went to before Hartem very different?
- Do you make the friends easily?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Who do you look up to the most?
- What’s so precious in your life that you would risk your life for it?
Nastassja answered with quick simple answers:
- “ I want to go to college,” she said
- “I went to Lincoln. So yeah there are a lot more people,” she answered.
- Nastassja says she thinks she makes friends easily. It’s just a natural thing to her.
- She is passionate about being a photographer when she grows up.
- “I look up to my mom a lot because she is always there for me and my little sister,” Nastassja said.
- Nastassja said that she would risk her life for her little sister.
Mia's personality show through in her answers. She is a freshman.
- Mia also wants to go to college after school.
- “I went to a private school before I came to Hartem. So yeah they were kind of similar but they are different too," Mia stated.
- Mia believes she also makes friends easily.
- Mia hasn’t really thought about what she wants to be when she grows up. “I don’t know,” she answered.
- Mia also looks up to her mother. Her mother is not married so she says her mother does a lot of stuff on her own.
- Lastly, Mia says she would risk her life for her family. She believes she’s really close to her family.
Look for Dylan's interview at a later date.
Update-- Dylan declined our invitation to be interviewed.
Friday, September 16, 2016
New teacher at Hartsburg-Emden
by Kaitlyn Perschall
Sept. 15, 2016
I interviewed one of the new teachers here at Hartem. The teacher I chose to interview was Mrs.Nevius. She is the new special ed. teacher. A special teacher is a teacher that helps the kids that need a little extra help with homework or she is there for kids that have trouble focusing on their work. Some kids go up to her room for tests because that way they don't get distracted. I asked her 6 questions. The questions were…
- How did you hear about our school?
- What made you want to work here?
- Do you like it here so far?
- What’s your favorite thing about our school so far?
- Why did you choose our school to work at?
- What made you want to be a teacher?
I interviewed Mrs.Nevius in 1st hour while I was in her study hall. Her answers were....
- “I found out about the job opening on the Illinois State of Education website but I knew about the school because I used to live in lincoln”
- “It’s a small district and everyone knows everyone.”
- “Yes”
- “The size”
- “I like chose it because it’s close to home.”
- “I wanted to be a teacher because I had awesome teachers when I was in school and I wanted to help kids.”
Hartem VS. Lewistown
by Madison Farris
Sept. 15, 2016
The Varsity volleyball team won against Lewistown in 3 games (25-18, 14-25, 25-20). The team was led by senior Ashley Zinser (3 kills), senior Maddie Shawgo (3 digs), junior Kassy Eskew (21 assists), junior Shyanne Conrady (2 kills, 2 blocks), sophomore Anna Hayes (14 kills, 2 blocks), sophomore Lexi Barry (4 kills), freshman Sami Perschall (3 kills), and freshman Emily Craig (5 digs). Sophomore Lexi Barry says, “It was a nerve wracking game against one of my club volleyball teammates and friend. I think we played good as a team.” Sophomore Anna Hayes - “I think we really proved to ourselves that we can play as a team and push to the end.”
The junior varsity team played hard, but fell to the Lewistown Indians in two games (25-13, 25-16). The team was led by sophomore Abbie Hoerbert, sophomore Ivy Merz, freshman Sami Perschall, freshman Emily Craig, freshman Lily Escobedo, freshman Mia Young, freshman Olivia Garcia, and freshman Baylee Baker.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
High school golf takes on the Tomahawk Conference
By: Brady Wolpert
Sept. 12, 2016
On Monday September twelfth, the Hartem/Delavan high school golf team took on five different teams from the Tomahawk Conference. After a windy day and a rough outing from the team, they ended up coming in third in the standings. The team shot an average of five over from the outing before. John Robinson, Head Coach, “believed it was going to be between us and Illini Central.” He also goes on to state, “We didn’t play all that well and when our five and six golfers shoot 112, that’s not going to do it; But, that is going to happen on certain days.” After losing by only one stroke and tieing for second, they had to have a tie-breaker. The Hartem/Delavan golf team ended up not winning that either. From nearly winning the outing to being in third is never what we hope for. Although the winning the Tomahawk conference is huge, the team's pride is larger.
Spring Play Already In The Works
Sept. 14, 2016
by Maddie Shawgo
Ideas for the spring play are already coming into view! With last year's play already under Mr. Pluhm's belt, he feels even more confident about this year. Last year's play, The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet, went really well. Mr. Pluhm said, “The turnout from the community was awesome!” Mr. Pluhm feels that the students did a great job of stepping up last year, even though there was such a young cast.
This year he would like to start sooner and make the play more extravagant. He loves the idea of having a musical this year. “Get your singing voices ready!” said Mr. Pluhm. To help with making the play a musical and making it more extravagant, Mr. Pluhm also hopes to be able to add in the band.
A few ideas have been thrown out there for this year's theme. Some of those ideas include Shrek: The Musical and The Little Mermaid. Mr. Pluhm has high hopes for the play this year. He also hopes to make the practices more efficient and successful this year. Mr. Pluhm stated “I strongly encourage everyone to try out for the play, it’s a lot of fun!”
Livestock judging
Chris Huffman
Sept. 14, 2016
We will be attending the 2016 John Wood livestock judging competition on Friday, September 16 and the bus will leave at 6 a.m. There are a lot of new kids wanting to try livestock judging, but the veteran kids in this event are very confident in placing well. Though I don't have any stats for you at this time, we will do well on the 16th. If you are interested in livestock judging and in FFA, just ask Ms. Fanning and she will get you squared up to go. Don't be scared, it could be something you are really good at.
Junior High Softball Post-Season Round 1
Sept. 13, 2016
by Alex Vetter
The jh high softball team plays in the second round of regionals 9/13/16 at Warrensburg-Latham. That's also who the girls play against. If they win, we they will play again 9/14/16 for the regional title. They beat Illini central in the first round with a score of 13 to 3.
by Alex Vetter
The jh high softball team plays in the second round of regionals 9/13/16 at Warrensburg-Latham. That's also who the girls play against. If they win, we they will play again 9/14/16 for the regional title. They beat Illini central in the first round with a score of 13 to 3.
junior high,
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
FFA: Old and New Officers.
Sept. 7, 2016
By Brady Wolpert
Every new school year, the FFA selects its new officers. Miss Fanning,
Hartsburg-Emden FFA advisor, is excited to start the year with her new FFA President, Ashley
Zinser. Of course Miss Fanning and most everyone else in the FFA were saddened after last
Year’s FFA President Clay Olson graduated, but we were also happy to gain Ashley as our
new President. The FFA officers positions are:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Reporter
6. Sentinel
7. Historian
The last year’s officers were:
Clay Olson
Wyatt Conrady
Ashley Zinser
Doug Phillips
Jarrett Rohlfs
Chris Huffman
Alexis Huffman.
The new officers are as
1. Ashley Zinser
2. Jarrett Rohlfs
3. Hunter Buck & Lexi Barry
4. Antonio Coit-Kirk.
5. Shyanne Conrady
6. Xavier Detmers
7. Brady Wolpert
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